DADA Company Edutainment برنامه ها

Géants, sorcières et esprits 1.0.0
Entrez dans un monde de créatures magiques !AMUSEZ-VOUS AVEC LA MYTHOLOGIEGéants, sorcières et esprits est une application interactivepermettant aux plus jeunes de plonger dans un monde de créaturesmagiques de la mythologie basque : Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari,Ortzi... et beaucoup d'autres !LAISSEZ-VOUS PORTER PAR LA MAGIEL'histoire évoque un bestiaire fabuleux d'êtres légendaires adaptépour un jeune public. Chaque scène est centrée sur un personnage etprésente ses caractéristiques et ses pouvoirs spéciaux de façonoriginale et attachante.UN SPECTACLE DE QUALITÉLe livre comprend 14 scènes interactives mises en images par lecélèbre graphiste Pernan Goñi. Une musique composée toutspécialement pour l'application apporte une nouvelle dimension àl'histoire.UN DIVERTISSEMENT POUR TOUTE LA FAMILLEPartagez avec vos enfants une histoire mariant à la perfectionapprentissage et divertissement. Dans cette expérience unique, leslégendes prennent vie.CARACTÉRISTIQUES :• Développe la créativité de l'enfant et améliore saconcentration.• Stimule l'imagination et la culture de l'image.• Les membres de la famille partagent leurs expériences etprofitent d'un divertissement de qualité.• Encourage l'apprentissage et aide l'enfant à développer sescompétences narratives.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visitez notre site internet http://www.dadacompany.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter ou cliquez surJ´aime sur Facebook en et vousrecevrez toute l´information sur nos nouveautés.Nous vous invitons aussi à regarder les vidéos et bandes annoncesde nos apps sur PROPOS DE DADA COMPANYDADA COMPANY offre aux enfants un amusement de qualité pensé pourallier plaisir et éducation, et aux parents la satisfactiond´offrir à leurs enfants un apprentissage enrichissant.Chaque œuvre de DADA Company est originale et unique.DADA Company a reçu le Bologna Ragazzi Digital Award 2013 dans lacatégorie Fiction.Parmi ses titres, “Quatre Petits Coins de rien du tout”, « Marinaet la lumière », « Au dodo ! », « J´apprends aves les transports »,et bien d´autres.Pour plus d´informations : soporte@dadacompany.comEnter a world of magicalcreatures!FUN WITH THE MYTHOLOGYGiants, witches and spirits is an interactive application allowingyounger dive into a world of magical creatures of Basque mythologyTartalo, Basajaun, Husband, Ortzi ... , and many others!LET YOU WEAR BY MAGICThe story evokes a fabulous bestiary legendary beings suitable fora young audience. Each scene is centered on a character and has itscharacteristics and special powers in an original and engagingway.A SHOW QUALITYThe book includes 14 interactive scenes brought to life by famousdesigner Pernan Goñi. Music composed specifically for theapplication brings a new dimension to the story.ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILYShare with your children a story combining to perfection learningand entertainment. In this unique experience, legends come tolife.FEATURES:• Develops child's creativity and improves concentration.• Stimulates the imagination and image culture.• The family members share their experiences and enjoy qualityentertainment.• Encourage learning and helps children develop narrativeskills.Visit our website http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter or click Like onFacebook in you willreceive all the information about our news.We also invite you to watch videos and trailers on our apps DADA COMPANYDADA COMPANY provides children with amusement quality thought tocombine pleasure and education, satisfaction of parents give theirchildren an enriching learning.Each work of DADA Company is original and unique. DADA Company received the 2013 Bologna Ragazzi Award Digitalin the Fiction category.Among his titles, "Little Four Corners nothing," "Marina andlight", "Go to sleep! "" I hear aves transport ", and manyothers.For more information:
Au dodo! fille et garçon 1.0.0
* Sélectionnée par Apple comme l´une des 5meilleures apps de livres en 2011.* Numero 1 dans l´App Store Espagne et Argentine dans la sectionlivres.* Numero 5 au Mexique, Colombie, Panama, en Macédonie etc.Découvrez “Au dodo!”, la première berceuse du XXIème siècle.Vous pouvez maintenant choisir si vous préférez que lepersonnage soit une fille ou un garçon!★ L´IMAGINATION AU POUVOIR ★Vivez une expérience unique en compagnie de vos enfants. Une ode àl’imagination et à la fantaisie grâce à ses scènes interactivesinnovantes.Le moment est venu pour notre petit personnage d´aller se coucher.Emmenez-le au lit et observez quand les lumières s´éteignent, quela fantaisie s’immisce doucement dans ses rêves.★ DIVERTISSEMENT ET APPRENTISSAGE POUR TOUTE LA FAMILLE ★«Au Dodo!» prépare les enfants à aller se coucher en le présentantcomme un jeu plein d´aventures et de fantaisie. C´est l´applicationparfaite pour aider les parents à mettre leur enfant au lit.L´enfant comprend le rituel du coucher à travers cette histoire.C´est l´enfant qui se chargera d´amener le personnage au lit. Ilcomprendra au fur et à mesure que pour lui aussi il temps dedormir.★ UNE BERCEUSE ACTUELLE ET ORIGINALE ★Un conte interactif fascinant avec une multitude d´animationssympathiques que l´enfant découvrira à son rythme ; il toucheralui-même l´écran pour pouvoir interagir avec les personnages etdécouvrir des surprises plus amusantes les unes que les autres :Regarder, lire, jouer, déplacer des objets, les faire se tamponner,et faire de la musique, tout cela réuni dans un seul conte!En outre, le livre comprend une bande sonore originale, quis´adapte au rythme de la narration.Una œuvre complète qui fera le délice des plus petits, et desplus grands.★ CE QU´EN DISENT LES BLOGS SPÉCIALISÉS ★« Cette app dispose d´excellentes illustrations et animations [...]a été dessinée avec beaucoup de soin.» Applesfera“App très bien résolue, avec une musique relaxante et unehistoire toute en rimes avec qui le moment d´aller au lit deviendraun vrai plaisir pour les parents comme pour les enfants… »★ CARACTÉRISTIQUES ★• Pour les enfants de tous les âges.• Scénario original et créatif.• Délicieuses illustrations de Màriam Ben-Arab.• Riche en diversité d´éléments interactifs.• De drôles de sons et animations qui vous réserveront bien dessurprises.• Interface intuitif et facile avec accès direct aux scènes.• Une lecture facile grâce à sa typographie étudiée.• Touche chaque phrase et prononce-la. Parfait pour les apprentislecteurs.• Une bande son douce et apaisante.• Développe la coordination main-œil de l´enfant.• Jamais il n´avait été aussi amusant de réciter et raconter deshistoires!• Sans publicité.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ A PROPOS DE DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company propose aux enfants des divertissements de qualitéconçus pour apprendre tout en s’amusant. Les parents seront heureuxd’offrir une expérience éducative enrichissante à leursenfants.Chaque œuvre proposée par DADA Company est entièrement originale etdifférente des précédentes. DADA Company a été récompensé en 2013aux BolognaRagazzi Digital Awards dans la catégorie Fiction.Découvrez aussi leurs autres titres : «Quatre petits coins de riendu tout», «1000 Aventures», «Au dodo!» ou «J'apprends avec lestransportes», et bien d’autres encore.Assistance:* Selected by Apple asone of the five best apps books in 2011.* Number 1 in the App Store Spain and Argentina in the bookssection.* Number 5 in Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Macedonia etc..Discover "Go to sleep", the lullaby of the twenty firstcentury.You can now choose if you want the character to be a girl or aboy!★ ★ THE POWER OF IMAGINATIONEnjoy a unique experience with your children. An ode to theimagination and fantasy through innovative interactivescenes.The time has come for our little character to go to bed. Take himto the bed and watch when the lights go out, the fantasy slowlyintrudes into his dreams.★ ENTERTAINMENT AND LEARNING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ★"The Dodo!" Prepares children to go to bed by presenting it as anadventurous and fancy Thurs This is the perfect application to helpparents to put their children to bed. The child understands thebedtime ritual through this story. It is the child who will bringthe character to bed. It will include as and when it's time for himtoo sleep.★ A ROCKING AND ORIGINAL PRESENT ★A fascinating interactive story with a multitude of nice animationsthat children discover at their own pace, it will touch the screenitself to interact with the characters and discover more fun aseach other surprises: Watch, read, play, move objects, make themstamped, and make music, all together in one story!In addition, the book includes an original soundtrack, which adaptsto the pace of the narrative.Una complete works that will delight the smallest and thelargest.★ THIS AROUND THE BLOGS SPECIALIZED ★"This app has excellent illustrations and animations [...] has beendesigned with great care." Applesfera"App very well resolved, with relaxing music and a story inrhyme with all that time to go to bed will be a pleasure forparents and children alike ...".★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• creative and original screenplay.• Delicious illustrations Mariam Ben-Arab.• Rich in variety of interactive elements.• From funny animations and sounds that bring you muchsurprise.• Intuitive and easy interface with direct access to scenes.• An easy thanks to its typography studied reading.• Key each phrase and say it. Perfect for beginning readers.• A soft, soothing soundtrack.• Develops hand-eye coordination of the child.• Never had he been so fun to recite and tell stories!• Without advertising.Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you Wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT ★ DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed tolearn while having fun. Parents will be pleased to provide anenriching educational experience for their children.Each proposed by DADA Company work is entirely original anddifferent from the previous. DADA Company was awarded in 2013 toBolognaRagazzi Digital Awards in the fiction category.See also their other titles: "Four little corners of nothing,""Adventures in 1000," or "I have learned with the transported" andmany others "Go to sleep!".Support:
Off to bed! boys and girls
* Selected by Apple at 'Rewind 2011' as one of the 5 best book appsin 2011* Top 1 in the App Store in Spain and Argentina in the Booksection* Top 5 in Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Macedonia, etc.Discover “Off to bed!”, a lullaby for the 21st century!Now you can choose whether the main character is a girl or aboy!★ GUIDED BY YOUR IMAGINATION★Enjoy this unique experience with your children, a celebration ofthe imagination with attractive and innovative interactivescenes.It’s bedtime for our young friend. Put him or her to bed and seehow, once the lights go out, fantasy takes over in dreamland.★ FUN AND LEARNING FOR ALL THE FAMILY ★“Off to bed!” prepares children for bedtime, seeing it as a gamefull of adventures and fantasy. It is an ideal application forhelping parents with the task of putting their children to bed.Through the story, the child learns about the ritual of fallingasleep.The child is responsible for putting the main character to bed. Atthe same time, he or she will understand that they must go to bedtoo.★ A MODERN AND DIFFERENT KIND OF LULLABY ★A fascinating interactive story told in verse, with a multitude ofamusing interactive animations that children can discover at theirown pace. The child touches the screen to interact with thecharacters and activate a host of fun-filled surprises: seeing,reading, listening, touching, moving, hitting and making music, allin one!The book also includes a soothing original soundtrack, which adaptsto fit the rhythm of the narration.A complete story that will delight both tiny tots and olderchildren alike.★ WHAT THE SPECIALIST BLOGS SAY ★"It has excellent illustrations and animations [...] very carefullydesigned." Applesfera"A very well thought-out app, with relaxing music and a story toldin verse, makes bedtime pleasurable for parents and children..."★ CHARACTERISTICS ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Exquisite illustrations by Màriam Ben-Arab.• Varied interactive elements.• Funny animations and sounds that create an extraordinaryexperience.• Intuitive and easy-to-use interface with direct access toscenes.• Easy-to-read thanks to its carefully thought-outtypography.• Touch the phrases to repeat. Great for young readers.• Soothing and relaxing original soundtrack.• Develops the child’s hand-eye coordination.• Counting has never been so much fun!• No adverts.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfaction thatthey are offering their children an enriching educationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different to theprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares", "1000Adventures" or "Learn with Transportation".Support:
Por cuatro esquinitas de nada
* BolognaRagazzi Digital Award 2013* Editor's Choice Award de Children's Technology Review“Por cuatro esquinitas de nada” un libro que nos enseña valorescomo la amistad, la integración y la igualdad.* Seleccionados como LO MEJOR DE 2013 por App Store en España,Mexico y Argentina★ NUNCA LAS FORMAS GEOMÉTRICAS HAN SIDO TAN DIVERTIDAS OEMOTIVAS ★Nuestro protagonista es un cuadrado pequeño, Cuadradito, cuyosamigos son círculos pequeños, los redonditos. Todos juegan juntos,pero llegó la hora de entrar en la casa grande y Cuadradito, nopuede entrar como sus amigos, porque la puerta es redonda. Entretodos buscan una solución. ¿serán capaces de resolverlo? ¿leayudarán sus amigos?Adaptación interactiva del cuento de Jerôme Ruillier: “Por cuatroesquinitas de nada”. La narración, mediante frases sencillas ycortas, lo convierten en un libro ideal para primeros lectores queestán iniciándose en el mundo de la lectura.★ DESARROLLO DE VALORES ★A través de formas geométricas simples se expresan valores como laamistad, la participación, el compañerismo, la igualdad y laintegración social. Los niños aprenden de manera divertida.★CARACTERÍSTICAS★• Enriquece la creatividad y la capacidad de atención delniño.• Permite compartir experiencias en familia ofreciendoentretenimiento de calidad.• Fomenta el aprendizaje y estimula la capacidad narrativa de losniños.• Transmite valores educativos universales (tolerancia, igualdad,fraternidad…) de una manera divertida y didáctica.• Toca la pantalla y descubre cómo se divierten e interactúan lospersonajes• Descubre los colores y las formas geométricas sencillas.• Banda sonora original-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o haz clic enMe gusta en Facebook en para másinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestras apps en★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento de calidad diseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres la satisfacción de ofrecer asus hijos una experiencia de aprendizaje enriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferente a laanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con el Bologna RagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “¡A la cama!”, “1000 Aventuras”,“Marina y la luz” o “Con los transportes aprendo” entreotros.Soporte:*BolognaRagazzi Digital Award 2013* Editor's Choice Award from Children's Technology Review"For four little corners of nowhere" a book that teaches values​​such as friendship, integration and equality.* Selected as BEST OF 2013 by App Store in Spain, Mexico andArgentina★ THE GEOMETRIC SHAPES HAVE NEVER BEEN SO FUNNY OR EMOTIONAL★Our protagonist is a small square, small square, whose friends aresmall circles, redonditos. All play together, but the time to enterthe large and small square came home, can not go as friends,because the door is round. Among all seek a solution. Will they beable to solve it? Did they help their friends?Interactive adaptation of the story of Jerome Ruillier: "For fourlittle corners of nothing." The narrative, through simple and shortsentences, make it ideal for young readers just starting out in theworld of reading book.DEVELOPMENT SECURITIES ★ ★Through simple geometric shapes the values ​​of friendship,participation, fellowship, equality and social inclusion areexpressed. Children learn in a fun way.★ FEATURES ★• Enrich the creativity and capacity of child care.• Allows sharing family experiences providing qualityentertainment.• promotes learning and stimulates the narrative ability ofchildren.• Transmits universal educational values ​​(tolerance, equality,fraternity ...) in a fun and educational way.• Touch the screen and discover how to have fun and interact withthe characters• Discover colors and simple geometric shapes.• Original SoundtrackVisit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or click onFacebook Like for moreinformation on all our news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps in★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased to offer theirchildren an enriching learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is completely original and different fromthe previous one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "To bed!", "1000 Adventures", "Marina andthe light" or "With transport Learn" among others.Support:
Quatre petits coins 1.0.0
* Lauréat du Bologna Ragazzi Digital Award2013* Lauréat du Editor´s Choice Award de la Children's TechnologyReview«Quatre petits coins de rien du tout» nous enseigne des valeurstelles que l’amitié, l’intégration sociale et l’égalité.★ JAMAIS AUPARAVANT DES FORMES GÉOMETRIQUES N'AVAIENT ÉTÉ SIAMUSANTES ET EMOUVANTES! ★Notre héros est un petit carré, et ses amis sont les petits ronds.Ils jouent tous ensemble, mais quand il est temps de rentrer dansla grande maison Petit Carré ne peut pas entrer comme ses amis,puisque la porte est ronde. Ronds et carrés se creusent la tête.Trouveront-ils une solution? Les Petits Ronds aideront-ils leurcopain?Adaptation interactive du conte de Jerôme Ruillier: «Quatre petitscoins de rien du tout».Ses phrases simples et courtes en font un album idéal pour lesjeunes lecteurs qui découvrent le monde de la lecture.★ L´ENSEIGNEMENT DE VALEURS ★A l´aide de formes géométriques simples, il est question de valeurstelles que l´amitié, l´engagement, la camaraderie, l´égalité etl´intégration sociale. Les enfants apprennent tout ens´amusant.★ CARACTÉRISTIQUES ★• Développe la créativité et les capacités de concentration del´enfant.• Permet de partager ses expériences en famille tout en offrant undivertissement de qualité.• Stimule l´apprentissage et les capacités narratives del´enfant• Enseigne des valeurs éducatives universelles (la tolérance,l´égalité, la fraternité) d´une façon amusante et didactique.• Touche l´écran et découvre comment les personnages s´amusent etinteragissent.• Découvre les couleurs et les formes géométriquesélémentaires• Bande son originale------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ A PROPOS DE DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company propose aux enfants des divertissements de qualitéconçus pour apprendre tout en s’amusant. Les parents seront heureuxd’offrir une expérience éducative enrichissante à leursenfants.Chaque œuvre proposée par DADA Company est entièrement originale etdifférente des précédentes. DADA Company a été récompensé en 2013aux BolognaRagazzi Digital Awards dans la catégorie Fiction.Découvrez aussi leurs autres titres : «Quatre petits coins derien du tout», «1000 Aventures», «Au dodo!» ou «J'apprends avec lestransportes», et bien d’autres encore.Assistance:* Winner of the BolognaRagazzi Award 2013 Digital* Winner of the Editor's Choice Award from Children's TechnologyReview"Four little corners of anything" we teach values ​​such asfriendship, social inclusion and equality. ★ geometric shapes NEVER BEFORE HAD BEEN SO FUN and moving! ★Our hero is a small square, and his friends are the small round.They all play together, but when it's time to go in the big houseSmall Square can not enter as friends, because the door is round.Round are racking their brains. Will they find a solution? TheLittle Round will they help their friend?Interactive adaptation of the story of Jerome Ruillier "Four smallcorners of nothing."Its simple and short sentences make it an ideal album for youngreaders discover the world of reading.★ ★ THE TEACHING OF VALUESUsing simple geometric shapes, it is about values ​​such asfriendship, commitment, friendship, equality and social inclusion.Children learn while having fun.★ FEATURES ★• Develops creativity and concentration abilities of thechild.• Allows you to share experiences with family while providingquality entertainment.• Stimulates learning and narrative skills of children• Teaches universal educational values ​​(tolerance, equality,fraternity) in a fun and educational way.• Touch the screen and discover how the characters have fun andinteract.• Discover colors and basic geometric shapes• Original soundtrack------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you Wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT ★ DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed tolearn while having fun. Parents will be pleased to provide anenriching educational experience for their children.Each proposed by DADA Company work is entirely original anddifferent from the previous. DADA Company was awarded in 2013 toBolognaRagazzi Digital Awards in the fiction category.See also their other titles: "Four little corners of nothing,""Adventures in 1000," or "I have learned with the transported" andmany others "Go to sleep!".Support:
J'apprends avec les transports 1.0.0
De Sergio Alfonso & Dada Company.Âge recommandé: de 0 à 6 ans.Langues proposées: Français, espagnol, anglais, allemand.Par voie terrestre, maritime, aérienne... et jusque dansl'espace!DADA Company exploite de manière amusante et séduisante l'attraitdes tout petits pour les voitures, les motos, les bateaux, lesfusées, etc. « J'apprends avec les transports » initie l'enfant à 6domaines de connaissances : les sons, les mots, les couleurs, lesformes, les nombres et l'environnement. Cette application, où semêlent le livre, le dessin animé et le jeu, a été conçuespécialement pour favoriser le développement des petits.Elle présente 21 moyens de transport parmi les plus courants,permettant aux enfants d'interagir pour apprendre en s'amusant.Dans cette expérience unique, les petits apprennent sans s'enrendre compte et sans l'aide des parents.Visé par des maîtres, des parents, des pédagogues et des enfants,ce jeu constitue un divertissement de qualité.Caractéristiques:• Développement de l'attention et de la discrimination auditive etvisuelle.• Initiation à la reconnaissance des chiffres et à lanumération.• Distinction et reconnaissance des véhicules et des nombresécrits, des couleurs de base, des sons, des formes géométriques etde différents environnements.• Initiation à l'anglais.Visitez notre site internet http://www.dadacompany.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter ou cliquez surJ´aime sur Facebook en et vousrecevrez toute l´information sur nos nouveautés.Nous vous invitons aussi à regarder les vidéos et bandes annoncesde nos apps sur PROPOS DE DADA COMPANYDADA Company propose aux enfants des divertissements de qualitéconçus pour apprendre tout en s’amusant. Les parents seront heureuxd’offrir une expérience éducative enrichissante à leursenfants.Chaque œuvre proposée par DADA Company est entièrement originale etdifférente des précédentes. DADA Company a été récompensé en 2013aux BolognaRagazzi Digital Awards dans la catégorie Fiction.Découvrez aussi leurs autres titres : «Quatre petits coins de riendu tout», «1000 Aventures», «Au dodo!» ou «J'apprends avec lestransportes», et bien d’autres encore.Assistance: support@DADAcompany.comSergio Alfonso Dada &Company.Recommended Ages: 0-6 years.Languages ​​offered: French, Spanish, English, German.By land, sea, air ... and into space!DADA Company operates in a fun and seductive appeal of toddlers forcars, motorcycles, boats, rockets, etc.. "I learn withtransportation," introduces the child to six knowledge areas:sounds, words, colors, shapes, numbers and the environment. Thisapplication, which combines the book, cartoon and the game has beenspecially designed to promote the development of small.It has 21 transport among the most common, allowing children tolearn to interact and have fun. In this unique experience, childrenlearn without realizing it and without the help of parents.Referred by teachers, parents, educators and children, this game isquality entertainment.Features:• Development of attention and auditory and visualdiscrimination.• Introduction to number recognition and counting.• Award and recognition of vehicles and written numbers, basiccolors, sounds, geometric shapes and different environments.• Introduction to English.Visit our website http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter or click like onFacebook in and youwill receive all the information about our news.We also invite you to watch videos and trailers on our apps DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed tolearn while having fun. Parents will be pleased to provide anenriching educational experience for their children.Each proposed by DADA Company work is entirely original anddifferent from previous. DADA Company was awarded in 2013 toBolognaRagazzi Digital Awards in the category Fiction.See also their other titles: "Four little corners of nothing","1000 Adventures" or "Learning with the transported", and manyothers "Sleepy!".Support:
1000 Adventures 1.0.1
Quite possibly the most entertaininginteractive adventure in the world!A gamebook featuring pirates, aliens, castles, cowboys,dinosaurs, scientists, animals, superheroes, Pharaohs and muchmore.A VERY SPECIAL UNIVERSE* Winmer of the Parents´ Choice Award - Fun Stuff, 2013LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILDJoin our young protagonist on a day filled with adventures, wherenothing is as it seems. Daily routines are transformed into fungames, showing children how to use their imagination to see thefantastical side of life.Every second of your day can be seen as a great adventure!CHARACTERISTICS• Improves association skills.• Stimulates curiosity and the imagination; encourages children toexplore their surroundings.• Every scene has its own original soundtrack which is in keepingwith the context.• Professional narrations.• Illustrations by Sebastiá Serra.• Every scene has a certain number of interactive elements. In thetop left-hand corner of the screen there is a scoreboard whichindicates the elements that must be discovered in order to completethe screen.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfaction thatthey are offering their children an enriching educationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different to theprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares", "Marinaand the light", "Off to bed! or "Learn with Transportation".Support:
Let's go to the Opera! 1.0
Welcome to the opera, the greatest show onearth! Do you want to discover all of its secrets?In "Let’s go to the Opera" you will join a group ofschoolchildren visiting the Opera House. You will be greeted by afriendly guide who will accompany you on a tour showing you all thenooks and most intimate secrets about the theater’s inner workings.Orchestras, singers, choirs, dancers, lights, scenery ... all atyour fingertips! During the tour you will discover how the show andthe professionals who make it possible work. All explained in aplayful and didactic manner, exquisitely illustrated by the greatartist John Berrio.Especially recommended for children between ages 5 and 12.Thisapplication presents a secure environment for children. CONTAINS NOTHIRD-PARTY ADVERTISING NOR IN-APP PURCHASES. A unique operaexperience for the whole family to enjoy!CONTENT- Travel through the history and origins of opera.- Discover genres and operatic themes.- Learn about key representatives of the genre.- Observe theatrical architecture and structural elements.- Learn about types of opera singers, choruses, ballet and more!- Role description of each member of the orchestra.- How a stage director works.- Find out about technical duties (tailoring, stagehands,illuminator, set designer, seamstress, sewing, costume, makeup andcharacterization).- Introduction to major opera composers.The child will learn many new concepts associated with the operaperformance. Especially recommended for children between ages 6 and12.This app provides a safe environment for children, containing nothird-party advertising or in-app purchases.Dare to enter the world of opera!FEATURES- Acquire or expand user knowledge related to the opera.- Ideal as educational support for teachers.- Texts and dialoque in English, Spanish, Catalan, Galician andBasque.- Detailed original artwork from artist Juan Berrio.- Develops the ability to analyze lyrical production.- Promotes the education and diversification of musicaltastes.- Acquire vocabulary of the processes involved in developing anopera.- Encourages participatory methodology.****************************ABOUT DADA COMPANYDada Company is an award-winning studio that creates interactivebooks and digital toys for children and adults to enjoy together.We offer quality entertainment designed to educate and entertain,and to parents we offer the satisfaction of providing theirchildren an edifying learning experience. We work with educatorsand education experts to make our products child friendly.Visit our webpage at where you can find moreinformation and assistance.Follow us on Twitter at @DADA_Company or Facebook at for moreinformation about all our latest news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps at Company takes children’s privacy very seriously, and wewant you to have a safe experience. That’s why our apps do notinclude third-party advertising or in-app purchases.If you have any trouble with our app or any other questions orsuggestions, feel free to contact us at any time at Wewill be happy to help you. Don’t forget to mention the version ofyour device and your operating system.
Apprends l'anglais avec Zoé 1.0.4
Apprends l'anglais avec Zoé, facilement et ens'amusant.APPRENDRE EN S'AMUSANTJoue avec Zoé, une fille très active qui n'aime pas rester sansrien faire quand elle n'a pas école. Elle te fera découvrirdifférents lieux, tels que la campagne, la plage, le zoo ou leparc, et t'apprendra en même temps 70 mots d'anglaiscourants.Les images constituent un moyen d'apprentissage très utile pour lestout petits : en associant les mots et les images, ils acquièrentde nouveaux concepts de façon très ludique, et ils mémorisent plusfacilement le vocabulaire et la signification des mots.UN DIVERTISSEMENT DE QUALITÉLes superbes illustrations de Màriam Ben-Arab montrent aux enfantsdes scènes de tous les jours qui les aideront à comprendre dessituations variées qu'ils sont susceptibles de rencontrer dansdifférents environnements. Les tout petits se familiariseront avecla langue en entendant des voix locales qui les aideront àaméliorer leur prononciation.CARACTÉRISTIQUES• Touchez les objets en surbrillance à l'écran et découvrez plus de70 mots d'anglais courants.• Bande originale.• Idéal pour les enfants qui commencent l'apprentissage del'anglais ou qui souhaitent réviser leur vocabulaire.• Un livre à la fois ludique et éducatif.• Favorise la capacité d'attention.Visitez notre site internet http://www.dadacompany.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter ou cliquez surJ´aime sur Facebook en et vousrecevrez toute l´information sur nos nouveautés.Nous vous invitons aussi à regarder les vidéos et bandes annoncesde nos apps sur PROPOS DE DADA COMPANYDADA Company propose aux enfants des divertissements de qualitéconçus pour apprendre tout en s’amusant. Les parents seront heureuxd’offrir une expérience éducative enrichissante à leursenfants.Chaque œuvre proposée par DADA Company est entièrement originale etdifférente des précédentes. DADA Company a été récompensé en 2013aux BolognaRagazzi Digital Awards dans la catégorie Fiction.Découvrez aussi leurs autres titres : «Quatre petits coins de riendu tout», «1000 Aventures», «Au dodo!» ou «J'apprends avec lestransportes», et bien d’autres encore.Assistance: support@DADAcompany.comLearn English with Zoe,easy and fun.LEARNING THROUGH PLAYZoe plays with a very active girl who does not like stand idly bywhen she does not have school. It will introduce you differentplaces, such as the countryside, the beach, the zoo or the park,and at the same time teach you 70 common English words.The images are a very useful learning tool for toddlers: combiningwords and images, they learn new concepts in a very playful, andthey store easier vocabulary and meaning of words.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENTThe beautiful illustrations of Mariam Ben-Arab show children sceneseveryday that will help them understand various situations they mayencounter in different environments. Toddlers will learn languageby hearing local voices to help them improve theirpronunciation.FEATURES• Touch the objects highlighted on the screen and discover morethan 70 common English words.• Soundtrack.• Ideal for children who start learning English or who wish torevise their vocabulary.• A book that is both fun and educational.• Promotes attention span.Visit our website http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter or click like onFacebook in and youwill receive all the information about our news.We also invite you to watch videos and trailers on our apps DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed tolearn while having fun. Parents will be pleased to provide anenriching educational experience for their children.Each proposed by DADA Company work is entirely original anddifferent from previous. DADA Company was awarded in 2013 toBolognaRagazzi Digital Awards in the category Fiction.See also their other titles: "Four little corners of nothing","1000 Adventures" or "Learning with the transported", and manyothers "Sleepy!".Support:
D5en5 Fruits 1.0.0
A universal app designed to help childrenbetween the ages of 1 and 5 accept fruit in their diet associatingit with positive and friendly values. Playing with food has neverbeen so fun!TEACHING VALUESThis is the second app from the D5EN5 digital toy collection, aneducational project that teaches fundamental values such asfriendship, respect, curiosity and teamwork in a positive way.UNIVERSAL LANGUAGEAn app with no language barriers designed for boys and girls ages1-5 from anywhere in the world. Children have fun with fruits asthey discover their origins, shapes, colors and more.GUARANTEED FUN WITH D5EN5Mar, Fer, Pol, Sil and Luz help children understand the worldaround them. With the help of interactive animations and theirunique humor, children will have the opportunity to learn aboutfruits and everything they need to know to appreciate them.FEATURES* Helps children learn to accept fruit as a part of a balanceddiet.* Boosts attention and associative memory capacity.* Promotes curiosity and environment exploration.* Helps distinguish fruits, colors and shapes.****************************ABOUT DADA COMPANYDada Company is an award-winning studio that creates interactivebooks and digital toys for children and adults to enjoy together.We offer quality entertainment designed to educate and entertain,and to parents we offer the satisfaction of providing theirchildren an edifying learning experience. We work with educatorsand education experts to make our products child friendly.Visit our webpage at where you can find moreinformation and assistance.Follow us on Twitter at @DADA_Company or Facebook at for moreinformation about all our latest news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps at Company takes children’s privacy very seriously, and wewant you to have a safe experience. That’s why our apps do notinclude third-party advertising or in-app purchases.
RED CROSS - First aid free app 1.2
DADA Company Edutainment
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, andthe solution to avoiding unpleasant surprises is prevention.Discover an innovative way that teaches kids to improve theirsafety by preventing accidents and learning the basics of firstaid.Children are the family members who suffer accidents most often.Adults can teach them to take different steps to reduce the risk.In case of an accident, it’s important for children to know what todo. The Red Cross and DADA Company present an innovative way ofteaching children how to improve their safety by preventingaccidents and learning first aid.With this app, girls and boys will learn how to recognizeeveryday hazards they may come upon in different situations andplaces (at home, in the car, at the park, the beach, the pool, thecountryside, etc.) and what steps to follow to prevent them, howand when to call 911 and how to provide assistance for differenttypes of accidents.HOW?Boys and girls can act out each simulation however they like andsee the consequences of their actions. They will learn to take careto prevent falls, to avoid cuts and burns in the kitchen, to beprudent at the park and to recognize toxic products that may befound at home. They will also learn how to avoid traffic accidents,drowning at the beach or in pools, heat stroke and sunburn.An app designed in collaboration with the Red Cross to helpadults and children avoid unpleasant surprises. With a text-free,intuitive interface, this app is intended for a global audience andcan be used both as an educational tool by parents and a learningsupplement for teachers.Teaching kids prevention means teaching them to live!FEATURES:- 11 scenarios in which kids can explore everyday hazards and thesteps to take in case of an accident.- Teaches girls and boys rules for prevention, how to use 911 andthe fundamentals of first-aid for mild injuries.- Recommended as learning tool for students and teaching supplementfor teachers- Available in Spanish, French, English, German, Portuguese,Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Chinese andRussian.- Recommended for children ages 6-8.- App designed according to educational equality standards andreviewed by educational experts.
1000 Abenteuer 1.0.1
EIN GANZ BESONDERES UNIVERSUMEin Spielbuch voller Piraten, Aliens, Burgen, Cowboys,Dinosaurier, Wissenschaftler, Tiere, Superhelden, Pharaonen undvielen mehr.Das wohl unterhaltsamste interaktive Abenteuer der Welt!Kin­der App Preis 2013 in der Kate­go­rie »Kin­der­buch Apps«LASS DEINER FANTASIE FREIEN LAUFBegleite unseren jungen Helden an einem Tag voller Abenteuer, wonichts so ist, wie es zu sein scheint. Tägliche Aufgaben werden zulustigen Spielen und zeigen Kindern, wie sie ihre Vorstellungskraftnutzen können, um die fantasievolle Seite des Lebens zu sehen.Jede Sekunde deines Lebens kann ein großes Abenteuer sein!MERKMALE• Verbessert das Assoziationsvermögen.• Regt die Neugier und Fantasie an und ermutigt Kinder, ihreUmgebung zu erforschen.• Jede Szene hat ihre eigene Musik, die zum Inhalt passt.• Professionelle Erzählung.• Illustrationen von Sebastiá Serra.• Jede Szene beinhaltet eine bestimmte Anzahl interaktiverElemente. In der linken oberen Ecke des Bildschirms befindet sicheine Anzeigetafel, welche die Elemente anzeigt, die entdeckt werdenmüssen, um den Bildschirm abzuschließen.Besuche unsere Website unter uns auf Twitter unter Wenn duaktuelle Informationen und Neuigkeiten von DADA Company erhaltenmöchtest, gibt unserer Facebook-Seite unter ein„Gefällt mir“.Sieh dir unsere Videos und Trailer auf YouTube an:ÜBER DADA COMPANYDADA Company bietet Qualitätsunterhaltung für Kinder, bei der sieSpaß haben und etwas lernen können. Eltern bieten ihren Kinderndamit ein bereicherndes Bildungserlebnis.Jede DADA Company-Geschichte ist etwas Besonderes und unterscheidetsich von der vorherigen. DADA Company wurde 2013 mit dem BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in der Kategorie „Fiktion“ausgezeichnet.Einige weitere Titel von DADA Company: „Four little corners“, „1000Adventures“, „Off to bed!“ und „I learn with transportation“.Support: support@DADAcompany.comA SPECIAL UNIVERSEA game book full of pirates, aliens, castles, cowboys,dinosaurs, scientists, animals, superheroes, pharaohs and manymore.Probably the most entertaining interactive adventure in theworld!Kids App Award 2013 in the category "Children's Book Apps" LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUNJoin our young hero on a day of adventure, where nothing is as itseems. Daily tasks become fun games and show children how they canuse their imagination to see the imaginative side of life.Every second of your life can be a great adventure! FEATURES• Improves the association's assets.• Stimulates curiosity and imagination and encourages children toexplore their environment.• Each scene has its own music, which fits the content.• Professional narration.• Illustrations of Sebastià Serra.• Each scene contains a certain number of interactive elements. Inthe upper left corner of the screen is a display panel thatdisplays the elements that need to be discovered to complete thescreen.Visit our website at us on Twitter at If you wish toreceive current information and news of DADA Company, is ourFacebook page under a"Like".Check out our videos and trailers on YouTube: ABOUT DADA COMPANYDADA Company provides quality entertainment for children, wherethey can have fun and learn something. Parents provide theirchildren with it an enriching educational experience.Each DADA Company history is something special and different fromthe previous one. DADA Company was awarded the 2013 Bologna RagazziDigital Award in the category "fiction".Some other titles by DADA Company: "Four little corners", "1000Adventures", "Off to bed!" And "I learn with transportation".Support:
Giants, witches and spirits 1.0.0
Immerse yourself in a world of magical beings!HAVE FUN WITH MYTHOLOGYGiants, witches and spirits is an interactive app where youngchildren can lose themselves in a world of magical beings with thecharacters from Basque mythology: Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi…and many more!BE CARRIED AWAY BY THE MAGICThe story tells of a fantastic bestiary of legendary beingsspecifically written for young children. Each scene focuses on acharacter and describes their features and special powers in afresh and appealing way.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENTThe book contains 14 interactive scenes illustrated by the renownedgraphic artist Pernan Goñi. The story is enhanced by a soundtrackthat has been composed especially for the app.FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY TO ENJOYShare with your children a story that is a perfect way of makinglearning an enjoyable pastime. An amazing experience where legendscome to life.FEATURES• Enhances children’s creativity and improves their attentionspan.• Stimulates imagination and visual literacy.• The family shares experiences while enjoying qualityentertainment.• Promotes learning and encourages children’s narrative skills.Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfaction thatthey are offering their children an enriching educationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different to theprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares", "Marinaand the light", "Off to bed! or "Learn with Transportation".Support:
1000 Aventuras: Libro infantil 1.0.3
¡Posiblemente la aventura interactiva másentretenida del mundo!★ UN MUNDO MUY ESPECIAL ★Un libro-juego con piratas, extraterrestres, castillos, vaqueros,dinosaurios, científicos, animales, superhéroes, faraones...★ DEJA VOLAR LA IMAGINACIÓN ★Acompaña a nuestro pequeño protagonista a vivir un día repleto degrandes aventuras en el que nada es lo que parece a simple vista:las rutinas diarias se transformarán en algo divertido mostrándolesa los niños a utilizar la imaginación para ver el lado másfantástico de la vida.¡Cada momento del día puede ser visto como una granaventura!★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Favorece la capacidad asociativa.• Incentiva la curiosidad y la exploración del entorno que nosrodea y enriquece la imaginación.• Cada escena cuenta con su propio tema musical original adaptadoal contexto que representa.• Locuciones profesionales.• Ilustraciones de Sebastiá Serra.• Cada escena tiene un determinado número de elementosinteractivos. En la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla hay unmarcador que indica los elementos que quedan por descubrir paracompletar la pantalla.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o haz clic enMe gusta en Facebook en para másinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestras apps en★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento de calidad diseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres la satisfacción de ofrecer asus hijos una experiencia de aprendizaje enriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferente a laanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con el Bologna RagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por Cuatro Esquinitas de Nada”,“Marina y la luz”, “¡A la cama!” o “Con los transportes aprendo”entre otros.Soporte: soporte@dadacompany.comPossibly the mostentertaining interactive adventure in the world!★ ★ A VERY SPECIAL WORLDA book-game with pirates, aliens, castles, cowboys, dinosaurs,scientists, animals, superheroes, pharaohs ...★ ★ LETS FLY THE IMAGINATIONJoin our young protagonist to live a day full of high adventurewhere nothing is what it seems at first glance: daily routines willbecome fun showing kids to use their imagination to see thefantastic side of life .Every moment of the day can be seen as a great adventure!★ FEATURES ★• Promotes associative capacity.• It encourages curiosity and exploration of the environment aroundus and enriches the imagination.• Each scene has its own theme music adapted to the context itrepresents.• Professional voiceovers.• Illustrations of Sebastia Serra.• Each scene has a number of interactive elements. At the top leftof the screen is a marker indicating the elements that remain to bediscovered to fill the screen.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or click onLike on Facebook at for moreinformation on all our news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased to offer theirchildren a rich learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is totally original and different fromthe previous one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four corners made of Nothing", "Marinaand light", "Go to bed!" Or "With transport learn" amongothers.Support:
1000 Aventuras 1.0.0
Possivelmente a aventura interativa maisdivertida do mundo!★ UM MUNDO MUITO ESPECIAL ★Um livro-jogo com piratas, extraterrestres, castelos, cowboys,dinossauros, cientistas, animais, super-heróis, faraós...★ DEIXA VOAR A IMAGINAÇÃO ★Acompanha o nosso pequeno protagonista num dia repleto de grandesaventuras no qual nada é o que parece ser à primeira vista: asrotinas diárias transformam-se em algo divertido ao mostrar àscrianças como podem utilizar a imaginação para verem o lado maisfantástico da vida.Cada momento do dia pode ser visto como uma grande aventura!★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Favorece a capacidade associativa.• Incentiva a curiosidade e a exploração do ambiente que nos rodeiae enriquece a imaginação.• Cada cenário possui o seu próprio tema musical original adaptadoao contexto que representa.• Locuções profissionais.• Ilustrações de Sebastiá Serra.• Cada cenário possui um determinado número de elementosinterativos. No canto superior esquerdo do ecrã existe um marcadorque indica os elementos que ainda não foram descobertos paraconcluir o ecrã.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Visite nossa página: http://www.DADAcompany.comSiga-nos no Twitter em, ou, casoqueira saber as últimas notícias e novidades da DADA Company, curtaa nossa página no Facebook: os nossos vídeos e tenha uma prévia das histórias noYouTube:★ SOBRE A DADA COMPANY ★A DADA Company oferece às crianças entretenimento de qualidade,feito para educar e divertir, e também para fornecer aos pais asatisfação de dar às crianças uma experiência educacionalenriquecedora.Cada história da DADA Company é totalmente original e diferente daanterior. A DADA Company ganhou o Bologna Ragazzi Digital Award de2013 na categoria de ficção.Entre seus outros títulos estão “Por quatro cantinhos de nada”,“Marina e a luz”, “Para a cama, meninos e meninas!” e “Aprendeinglês com a Zoe: mi dia livre ”.Suporte: support@DADAcompany.comPossibly the most funinteractive adventure in the world!A VERY SPECIAL WORLD ★ ★A book-game with pirates, aliens, castles, cowboys, dinosaurs,scientists, animals, superheroes, pharaohs ...★ ★ LETS FLY IMAGINATIONAccompany our little protagonist in a day full of high adventurewhere nothing is what it seems at first glance: the daily routinesturn into something fun to show children how they can use theirimagination to see the fantastic side of life.Every moment of the day can be seen as a great adventure!★ FEATURES ★• Promotes associative capacity.• Encourages curiosity and exploration of the environment thatsurrounds us and enriches the imagination.• Each scenario has its own original musical theme that is adaptedto the context.• Phrases professionals.• Illustrations of Sebastiá Serra.• Each scenario has a number of interactive elements. In the upperleft corner of the screen there is a marker that indicates theelements that have not been discovered to complete the screen.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page: http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at, or if you wantto know the latest news and updates from DADA Company, enjoy ourFacebook page: our videos and get a preview of the stories on YouTube:★ ★ ON THE GIVEN COMPANYThe DADA Company offers children quality entertainment, designed toeducate and entertain, and also to provide parents the satisfactionof giving children an educational experience enriching.Each story DADA Company is totally unique and different from theprevious. The DADA Company won the Bologna Ragazzi Digital Award2013 in the category of fiction.Among his other titles are "For four corners of nothing", "Marinaand light", "To bed, boys and girls!" And "Learn English with Zoe:mi free day."Support:
Gigantes, brujas y genios 1.0.1
¡Sumérgete en un universo de seres mágicos!DISFRUTA DE LA MITOLOGÍAGigantes, brujas y genios es una app interactiva en la que los máspequeños podrán entretenerse sumergiéndose en un mundo de seresmágicos a través de los personajes que pueblan la mitología deVasconia: Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi… ¡y muchos más!DÉJATE LLEVAR POR LA MAGIALa historia nos descubre un fantástico bestiario de seres deleyenda adaptados a los más pequeños. Cada una de las escenas secentra en un personaje, mostrándonos sus características y poderesespeciales de una manera fresca y simpática.ENTRETENIMIENTO DE CALIDADEl libro consta de 14 escenas interactivas ilustradas por elprestigioso artista gráfico Pernan Goñi. Además el cuento estáamenizado con una estupenda banda sonora hecha a medida.IDEAL PARA DISFRUTAR EN FAMILIAComparte con tus hijos una historia perfecta para aprenderdivirtiéndose. Una experiencia sorprendente donde las leyendascobran vida.CARACTERÍSTICAS• Enriquece la creatividad y la capacidad de atención delniño.• Estimula la imaginación y alfabetización visual.• Permite compartir experiencias en familia ofreciendoentretenimiento de calidad.• Fomenta el aprendizaje y estimula la capacidad narrativa de losniños.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o haz clic enMe gusta en Facebook en para másinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestras apps en★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento de calidad diseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres la satisfacción de ofrecer asus hijos una experiencia de aprendizaje enriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferente a laanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con el Bologna RagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por cuatro esquinitas de nada”, “1000Aventuras”, “¡A la cama!” o “Con los transportes aprendo” entreotros.Soporte: soporte@dadacompany.comDive into a world ofmagical beings!ENJOY THE MYTHOLOGYGiants, witches and genies is an interactive app where youngerguests entertained plunging into a world of magical beings throughthe characters that populate the Basque mythology: Tartalo,Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi ... and many more!GET CARRIED AWAY BY THE MAGICThe story reveals a fantastic bestiary legendary beings adapted tothe little ones. Each scene focuses on a character, showing itsfeatures and special powers of a fresh and engaging way.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENTThe book consists of 14 interactive scenes illustrated by renownedgraphic artist Pernan Goñi. Also the story is enlivened with agreat soundtrack tailored.IDEAL FOR A FAMILY ENJOYShare with your children a perfect story to make learning fun. Anamazing experience where legends come to life.FEATURES• Enrich the creativity and capacity of child care.• It stimulates the imagination and visual literacy.• Allows sharing family experiences providing qualityentertainment.• promotes learning and stimulates the narrative ability ofchildren.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or click onFacebook Like for moreinformation on all our news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps in★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased to offer theirchildren an enriching learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is totally original and different fromthe previous one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four little corners of nothing", "1000Adventures", "Go to bed!" Or "With transport Learn" amongothers.Support:
Learn spanish with animals 1.0.0
Teach your children about animals in theirnatural habitats and learn Spanish at the same time. Dogs, cows,elephants, lions and many more beasts await!★ EDUCATIONAL FUN ★“Learn Spanish with animals” is a fun and educational app forchildren. It enables young children to have fun learning a foreignlanguage. The application is aimed at youngsters aged between 2 and6 years, at pre-school age.★ FUN WITH ALL THE FAMILY ★Ideal for children who are just starting to learn Spanish and forthose with a higher level who want to revise their vocabulary. And,of course, parents can also take part, playing with their childrenand learning together. A fun experience for all the family!★ ALL KINDS OF ANIMAL ★An interactive story featuring 14 interactive screens, which enablechildren to visit different environments (jungle, desert,countryside, etc.) and discover all kind of wild and domesticatedanimals in their natural habitat: lions, zebras, elephants, dogs,cats, crocodiles, snakes, etc.It also teaches the names of the animals and the sound they make inSpanish.★ CHARACTERISTICS ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Exquisite illustrations.• Wide range of interactive elements. Funny animations and soundsthat create an extraordinary experience.• Intuitive and easy-to-use interface with direct access toscenes.• Easy-to-read thanks to its carefully thought-outtypography.• Touch the phrases to repeat. Great for young readers.• Soothing and relaxing original soundtrack.• Develops the child’s hand-eye coordination.• No adverts.• In Options, you can manage certain settings such as speech ormusic.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if you wouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADA Companyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfaction thatthey are offering their children an enriching educationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different to theprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares", "1000Adventures", "Off to bed! or "Learn with Transportation".Support:
Living Paintings Thyssen 1.0.1
DADA Company Edutainment
In Living Paintings, six of the mostfamouspaintings at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid willcome tolife, giving boys and girls a chance to create, play andexplorethe world of art in a fun and original way. Each artworkisaccompanied by a brief description with interesting facts aboutthepicture and the context in which it was painted.Living Paintings appeals to the curiosity of theyoungestaudiences by offering them a dynamic interactive tooldesigned tostimulate artistic sensibilities in an age-appropriateway. This isa fantastic opportunity to interact with works of artin abrand-new way, by getting kids involved in the creativeprocess!The app includes the following activities:HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER: Portrait of Henry VIII of England,ca.1537- Speak and hear Henry VIII repeat everything you say- Customize the painting by changing the background or theking’sappearance- Simple and funGABRIEL MÄLESSKIRCHER: Four panels from the Altarpiece oftheEvangelists at the Tegernsee Monastery, 1478- Observe the order in which the animated sequences appear andtryto repeat it without making any mistakes- The difficulty increases with each round. How many canyouremember?- Strengthen your memory skills!VITTORE CARPACCIO: Young Knight in a Landscape, 1510- Put your vision to the test. Can you see all the animals inthepicture?- Use the magnifying glass to find the most elusive creatures- Touch the painting and have fun seeing how the youngknightreactsTHEO VAN DOESBURG: Composition XX, 1920- Play with sounds and make the picture dance- Touch the colours and turn it into a musical instrument- Who said a painting doesn’t have rhythm?KURT SCHWITTERS: Merzbild Kijkduin, 1923- Discover the cause-effect relationship behind eachanimation- Touch the picture, but be careful! If it breaks, you’ll havetoput it back together- Every element has its proper placeWASSILY KANDINSKY: Delicate Tension, 1923- Touch the elements to interact with the picture- Discover how shapes, colours and sounds are related- Dynamic art at your fingertipsPLUS, DADA ART STUDIO!Let your creative talent shine! Colour, draw and customizeyourmasterpiece with stickers. Express yourself in freehand mode:drawon the canvas, choose a template, or use your own photographstocreate and customize background images.Discover the artistthatlives in you, try out all the tools and organize your veryownexhibition.A multimedia experience for educatingthroughentertainment.FEATURES- Lets children take the lead by getting them to participate inthecreative process- Presents art in a way that appeals to youngeraudiences,introducing them to some of the works at theThyssen-BornemiszaMuseum- Lets them have fun while stimulating their curiosity- Sparks an interest in art through games and interaction- Makes art available anywhere in the world- App recommended for children between ages 4 and 11- High-resolution graphics for Retina Display- No advertising- Internet connection not required to play****************************ABOUT DADA COMPANYDada Company is an award-winning studio that createsinteractivebooks and digital toys for children and adults to enjoytogether.We offer quality entertainment designed to educate andentertain,and to parents we offer the satisfaction of providingtheirchildren an edifying learning experience. DADA Companytakeschildren’s privacy very seriously, and we want you to have asafeexperience. That’s why our apps do not includethird-partyadvertising.If you have any trouble with our apps or any other questionsorsuggestions, feel free to contact us at any time. We will behappyto help you. Don’t forget to mention the version of yourdevice andyour operating system.Tech Support : info@dadacompany.comTwitter : @DADA_CompanyFacebook : :
Con los transportes aprendo 1.0.1
* Top 1 en educacion en el app store deEspaña.Por tierra, mar, aire... ¡hasta el cosmos! DADA Companypresentala forma más divertida y atractiva de aprender y explotarelinterés de los más pequeños por los coches, las motos, losbarcos,los cohetes, etc.★ APRENDER JUGANDO ★'Con los transportes aprendo' introduce al niño en 6 camposdeconocimiento: los sonidos, las palabras, los colores, lasformas,los números, y los entornos. La aplicación es una mezclaperfectaentre libro, dibujo animado y juego, y estadiseñadaespecíficamente para las necesidades de desarrollo de losniños: untipo de enseñanza bilingüe diseñado para que los niñosaprendan ydesarrollen su creatividad.★ MÁS DE 20 TIPOS DE TRANSPORTE ★La aplicación cuenta con 21 de los transportes más popularesparapoder interactuar y aprender mientras se entretienen. Losniñosdisfrutarán de una experiencia única aprendiendo sin darsecuenta ysin necesidad de ayuda adicional; absortos en paisajeslimpios ysencillos, ilustraciones llenas de color, cuidadasanimaciones, unamúsica pegadiza y alegre, divertidos efectos desonido, etc... todoello adaptado a los más pequeños. En definitiva,un libro quegracias a sus posibilidades eleva los libros deaprendizaje yentretenimiento a un nuevo nivel.★ UN ENTRETENIMIENTO DE CALIDAD ★El juego está supervisado por igual por maestros, padres,pedagogosy niños, con el objetivo de ofrecer un entretenimientodecalidad.Las ilustraciones y animaciones corren a cargo de SergioAlfonso“Animatomic”, profesional de amplia trayectoria yreconocidoprestigio en el ámbito de la animación interactiva.Además, desarrolla los contenidos gradualmente: lasdiferentesescenas comienzan con contenidos más sencillos (comosonidos ypalabras), para avanzar a contenidos más complejosrelacionados conel desarrollo lógico–matemático (la numeración, lasformasgeométricas) o los entornos, siempre desde un punto devistalúdico, atractivo y motivador para el niño.★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Favorece la atención y la discriminación auditiva y visual.• Iniciación en la numeración y el conteo.• Discriminación, reconocimiento y familiarización de: losvehículosy sus nombres escritos, los colores básicos, los sonidos,las formasgeométricas y distintos entornos...• Multiplataforma. Puede instalarse paralelamente en iPad, iPhoneeiPod touch, respetando las características de cada pantalla.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o haz clic enMegusta en Facebook en paramásinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestras apps en★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento de calidaddiseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres la satisfacción deofrecer asus hijos una experiencia de aprendizajeenriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferente alaanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con el BolognaRagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por Cuatro Esquinitas de Nada”,“1000Aventuras”, “¡A la cama!” o “Marina y la luz” entreotros.Soporte:* Top 1 in educationinthe app store in Spain.By land, sea and air ... To the cosmos! DADA Companyintroducesthe most fun and engaging way to learn and exploit theinterest ofthe smaller by cars, motorcycles, boats, rockets,etc.★ ★ LEARN PLAYING'With transport learn' introduces the child in 6 fieldsofknowledge: the sounds, words, colors, shapes, numbers,andenvironments. The application is a perfect blend of book,cartoonand game, and is specifically designed for the needs ofchilddevelopment: a type of bilingual education designed forchildren tolearn and develop their creativity.★ OVER 20 TYPES OF TRANSPORTATION ★The application features 21 of the most popular to interactandlearn while having fun transport. Children will enjoy auniqueexperience learning without realizing it and withoutadditionalsupport; engrossed in clean and simple landscapes,colorfulillustrations, animations maintained a cheerful and catchymusic,funny sound effects, etc ... all tailored to the smallest.Inshort, a book that raises your chances by learning booksandentertainment to a new level.A QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT ★ ★The game is equally supervised by teachers, parents, educatorsandchildren, with the aim of providing quality entertainment.The illustrations and animations are handled by SergioAlfonso"Animatomic" professional with extensive experience andrecognizedexpertise in the field of interactiveentertainment.Also gradually develops content: the different scenes startwithsimple content (sounds and words), to advance to morecomplexcontent related to the logical-mathematical development(counting,shapes) or environments, always from a point playful,engaging andmotivating for the child view.★ FEATURES ★• Promotes attention and auditory and visual discrimination.• Initiation of numbering and counting.• Discrimination, Recognition and Familiarization: vehiclesandtheir names written, basic colors, sounds, shapes anddifferentenvironments ...• Multiplatform. It can be installed in parallel on iPad, iPhoneandiPod touch, respecting the characteristics of eachscreen.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or clickonFacebook Like formoreinformation on all our news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps in★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainment designedtoeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased to offertheirchildren an enriching learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is completely original and differentfromthe previous one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four corners made of Nothing","1000Adventures", "Go to bed!" Or "Marina and light" andothers.Support:
I learn with transportation 1.0.1
By Sergio Alfonso & Dada CompanyRecommend for children aged 0 to 6 yearsAvailable in English, Spanish, French, German.By land, by sea, by air...and even in space!DADA Company presents a fun and enlightening way ofstimulatingchildren’s interest in cars, motorbikes, boats, rocketsand othervehicles.‘Learning with transport’ immerses children in 6 fieldsofknowledge: sounds, words, colours, shapes, numbers andeverydayscenes. The application is a perfect blend of book, cartoonandgame, and is specially designed to meet children’sdevelopmentrequirements.Featuring 21 of the most popular modes of transport, childrenwillbe able to interact and learn as they play. This uniqueexperienceallows children to learn subconsciously and withoutadditionalhelp. 
The game is managed by teachers, parents,educationalistsand children, with the aim of providing qualityentertainment.Characteristics:• Captures the attention and promotes audio andvisualdiscrimination• Teaches children about numbers and counting• Teaches children to discriminate between, identify, andbecomefamiliar with: vehicles and their names, basic colours,sounds,shapes and everyday scenes.• Basic English.----------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if youwouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADACompanyclick Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company offers children quality entertainment designedtoeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfactionthatthey are offering their children an enrichingeducationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different totheprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares","Marinaand the light", "Off to bed! or "Learn withTransportation".Support:
Ich lerne mit den Fahrzeugen 1.0.0
Von Sergio Alfonso und Dada Company.Empfohlen für Kinder von 0 bis 6 Jahren.Erhältlich auf Deutch, Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch.Auf dem Land, im Wasser oder in der Luft ... und sogarimWeltall!Die DADA Company fördert auf unterhaltsame und lehrreiche WeisedasInteresse von Kindern an Autos, Motorrädern, Booten, Raketenundanderen Fahrzeugen.“Ich lerne mit den Fahrzeugen” vermittelt Kindern Wissen in6Bereichen: Töne, Wörter, Farben, Formen, Zahlen undAlltagsszenen.Die App ist eine perfekte Mischung aus Buch, Comicund Spiel, undist speziell dafür entwickelt, die Entwicklung vonKindern zufördern.Die Kinder können beim Spielen mit den 21beliebtestenTransportmitteln interagieren und dabei lernen. DieseeinzigartigeErfahrung ermöglicht es ihnen, unterbewusst und ohnezusätzlicheHilfe zu lernen. Das Spiel wird von Lehrern, Eltern,Pädagogen undKindern betreut und zielt darauf ab, qualitativhochwertigeUnterhaltung zu bieten.Merkmale:• Erregt die Aufmerksamkeit und hilft bei der Unterscheidungvonakustischen und visuellen Inhalten.• Bringt Kindern Zahlen und das Zählen bei.• Bringt Kindern bei, Fahrzeuge und ihre Namen, Grundfarben,Klänge,Formen und Alltagsszenen zu unterscheiden, zuidentifizieren und siesich zu merken.• Einfaches Deutsch.Besuche unsere Website unter uns auf Twitter unter Wennduaktuelle Informationen und Neuigkeiten von DADA Companyerhaltenmöchtest, gibt unserer Facebook-Seite unter ein„Gefälltmir“.Sieh dir unsere Videos und Trailer auf YouTube an:ÜBER DADA COMPANYDADA Company bietet Qualitätsunterhaltung für Kinder, bei dersieSpaß haben und etwas lernen können. Eltern bieten ihrenKinderndamit ein bereicherndes Bildungserlebnis.Jede DADA Company-Geschichte ist etwas Besonderes undunterscheidetsich von der vorherigen. DADA Company wurde 2013 mitdem BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in der Kategorie„Fiktion“ausgezeichnet.Einige weitere Titel von DADA Company: „Four little corners“,„1000Adventures“, „Off to bed!“ und „I learn withtransportation“.Support: support@DADAcompany.comBy Sergio Alfonso andDadaCompany.Recommended for children 0-6 years.Available in German, English, French and Spanish.On land, in the water or in the air ... and even inouterspace!The DADA Company promotes an entertaining and instructive way,theinterest of children in cars, motorcycles, boats, rockets andothervehicles."I'm learning with the vehicles" gives children knowledge in6areas: sounds, words, colors, shapes, numbers, and scenesfromeveryday life. The app is a perfect blend of book, comic andgame,and is specifically designed to promote the developmentofchildren.The children can interact while playing with the 21 mostpopularmeans of transport and learn. This unique experience allowsthem tolearn subconsciously and without any additional help. Thegame issupervised by teachers, parents, educators and children andaims toprovide quality entertainment.Features:• Excited attention and helps in distinguishing audible andvisualcontent.• Bring children numbers and counting with.• distinguish Bring children in vehicles and their names,colors,sounds, shapes, and scenes from everyday life, to identifyand toremember them.• Easy German.Visit our website at us on Twitter at If youwouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADACompany,are our Facebook page at"Like".Check out our videos and trailers on YouTube: ABOUT DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers quality entertainment for children, wheretheycan have fun and learn something. Parents provide theirchildren sothat an enriching educational experience.Each DADA Company history is something special and differentfromthe previous one. DADA Company was awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the category "fiction".Some other titles by DADA Company: "Four little corners","1000Adventures", "Off to bed!" And "I learn withtransportation".Support:
Vamos para a cama! 1.0.0
* Selecionada pela Apple em “Rewind 2011”comouma das 5 melhores aplicações de livros de 2011* Top 1 na App Store de Espanha e Argentina na secçãodeLivros* Top 5 no México, Colômbia, Panamá, Macedónia, etc.Descubra “Vamos para a cama!”, a primeira canção de embalardoséculo XXI.Agora pode escolher se o protagonista é menino ou menina!★ IMAGINAÇÃO AO ATAQUE ★Aprecie uma experiência única com os seus filhos. Uma celebraçãodaimaginação e da fantasia em atraentes e inovadorascenasinterativas.Chegou a hora de dormir para o nosso pequeno protagonista.Leve-opara a cama e observe como, depois de apagadas as luzes, afantasiatoma conta dos seus doces sonhos.★ DIVERSÃO E APRENDIZAGEM PARA TODA A FAMÍLIA ★“Vamos para a cama!” prepara as crianças para a hora dedormir,fazendo com que vivam este momento como um jogo cheio deaventurase fantasia. É a aplicação perfeita para facilitar aos paisa tarefade deitar os filhos. Através da história, a criançacompreende oritual do sono.A criança terá a tarefa de colocar a personagem na cama. Aomesmotempo, assimila que também para ela chegou a hora dedormir.★ UMA CANÇÃO DE EMBALAR DIFERENTE E ATUAL ★Um fascinante conto interativo em verso com muitas esimpáticasanimações interativas que cada criança poderá irdescobrindo ao seupróprio ritmo; deixe-a tocar no ecrã parainteragir com aspersonagens e descobrir muitas surpresas, cada umamais divertidaque a outra. Ver, ler, escutar, jogar, tocar,deslocar, chocalhar efazer música, tudo num só livro!Além disso, o livro inclui uma suave banda sonora original, queseadapta ao ritmo da narração.Uma obra completa que fará as delícias das crianças maispequenase também das mais crescidas.★ O QUE DIZEM OS BLOGUES ESPECIALIZADOS ★"Tem ilustrações e animações excelentes [...] foram desenhadascommuito carinho." Applesfera"Aplicação muito bem concebida, com música muito relaxante eumahistória com rimas que fará da hora de deitar um momento deprazerpara pais e filhos… "★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Para crianças de todas as idades.• Guião original e criativo.• Magníficas ilustrações a cargo de Màriam Ben-Arab.• Grande variedade de elementos interativos.• Animações e sons harmoniosos que criarão umaexperiênciasurpreendente.• Interface intuitiva e simples com acesso direto às cenas.• Fácil leitura, graças ao aspeto tipográfico cuidado.• Toque em cada frase para repetir a respetiva locução.Fantásticopara as primeiras leituras.• Banda sonora original suave e relaxante.• Desenvolve a coordenação entre mãos e olhos na criança.• Dizer e contar os números nunca foi tão divertido!• Sem publicidade.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visite nossa página: http://www.DADAcompany.comSiga-nos no Twitter em, ou, casoqueirasaber as últimas notícias e novidades da DADA Company, curtaa nossapágina no Facebook: os nossos vídeos e tenha uma prévia das históriasnoYouTube:★ SOBRE A DADA COMPANY ★A DADA Company oferece às crianças entretenimento dequalidade,feito para educar e divertir, e também para fornecer aospais asatisfação de dar às crianças uma experiênciaeducacionalenriquecedora.Cada história da DADA Company é totalmente original e diferentedaanterior. A DADA Company ganhou o Bologna Ragazzi Digital Awardde2013 na categoria de ficção.Entre seus outros títulos estão “Four little corners”,“1000Adventures”, “Off to bed!” e “I Learn withtransportation”.Suporte:* Selected by Applein"Rewind 2011" as one of the five best books of2011applications* Top 1 in the App Store of Spain and Argentina in theBookssection* Top 5 in Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Macedonia, etc..Discover "Come to bed!", The first lullaby of theXXIcentury.Now you can choose if the protagonist is a boy or girl!IMAGINATION TO ATTACK ★ ★Enjoy a unique experience with their children. A celebrationofimagination and fantasy in attractive and innovativeinteractivescenes.Time to sleep for our little protagonist. Take it to bed andnoticehow, after the lights went out, the fantasy takes care ofyoursweet dreams.★ AND LEARNING FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ★"Come to bed!" Prepares children for bedtime, making them livethismoment as a game full of adventure and fantasy. It is theperfectapplication to facilitate the task of the parents throwtheirchildren. Throughout history, the child understands the ritualofsleep.The child will have the task of putting the character in bed. Atthesame time, it also assimilates it came time to sleep.★ A SONG PACK OF DIFFERENT AND PRESENT ★A fascinating tale in verse with many interactive andfriendlyinteractive animations that every child can go discover atyour ownpace; let it touch the screen to interact with thecharacters anddiscover many surprises, each more fun than theother. See, read,listen, play, play, move, rattle and make music,all in onebook!In addition, the book includes a soft original soundtrackthatadapts to the rhythm of the narration.A complete work that will delight the young children andalsofrom grown more.★ WHAT THEY SAY ★ THE SPECIALIZED BLOGS"It has excellent illustrations and animations [...] havebeendesigned with great care." Applesfera"Application nicely designed, with very relaxing music and astorywith rhymes that will make bedtime a moment of pleasure forparentsand children ..." ★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Script original and creative.• Superb illustrations in charge of Mariam Ben-Arab.• Wide variety of interactive elements.• Animations and harmonious sounds that create anamazingexperience.• Intuitive and simple interface with direct access tothescenes.• Easy to read thanks to the typographic aspect carefully.• Tap to repeat each phrase the respective utterance. Fantasticforfirst readings.• Original Soundtrack gentle and relaxing.• Develops hand-eye coordination in children.• Say and count the numbers has never been so fun!• No ads.Visit our page: http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at, or if youwantto know the latest news and updates from DADA Company, enjoyourFacebook page: our videos and get a preview of the stories on YouTube:★ ★ ON THE GIVEN COMPANYThe DADA Company offers children quality entertainment, designedtoeducate and entertain, and also to provide parents thesatisfactionof giving children an educational experienceenriching.Each story DADA Company is totally unique and different fromtheprevious. The DADA Company won the Bologna Ragazzi DigitalAward2013 in the category of fiction.Among his other titles are "Four little corners", "1000Adventures","Off to bed!" And "I Learn with Transportation".Support:
Apprendre l'anglais avec... 1.0.1
Vos enfants découvriront les animaux dansleurhabitat naturel tout en apprenant l'anglais. Le chien, lavache,l'éléphant, le lion... et bien d'autres amis les attendent.★ APPRENDRE EN S'AMUSANT ★« Apprendre l'anglais» avec les animaux est uneapplicationludo-éducative pour les enfants. Les tout petitss'amuseront touten apprenant l'anglais. Cette application s'adresseaux enfants de2 à 6 ans.★ S'AMUSER EN FAMILLE ★Idéal pour les enfants qui débutent l'apprentissage de l'anglaisouqui souhaitent réviser leur vocabulaire. Bien entendu, lesadultessont invités à jouer et à apprendre avec eux. Savourezuneexpérience à partager en famille !★ TOUTES SORTES D'ANIMAUX ★Dans ce conte interactif, 14 écrans permettent aux enfantsdevisiter différentes scènes (la jungle, le désert, la campagne…)etd'y découvrir toutes sortes d'animaux domestiques ou sauvagesdansleur habitat naturel : lions, zèbres, éléphants, chiens,chats,crocodiles, serpents, etc.Ils apprendront aussi le nom et le cri de l'animal en anglais.★ CARACTÉRISTIQUES ★• Pour les enfants de tout âge.• Scénario original et créatif.• Superbes illustrations.• Grande variété d'éléments interactifs. Animations et sonsamusantscréant une expérience surprenante.• Interface simple et intuitive avec accès direct auxdifférentesscènes.• Lecture facile grâce à une typographie soignée.• Il suffit de toucher une phrase pour la réécouter. Idéal pourlesjeunes lecteurs.• Bande sonore originale douce et reposante.• Développe la coordination main-œil chez l'enfant.• Sans publicité.• Les paramètres vous permettent de contrôler la locution,lamusique et d'autres aspects.Visitez notre site internet http://www.dadacompany.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter ou cliquezsurJ´aime sur Facebook en etvousrecevrez toute l´information sur nos nouveautés.Nous vous invitons aussi à regarder les vidéos et bandes annoncesdenos apps sur PROPOS DE DADA COMPANYDADA Company propose aux enfants des divertissements dequalitéconçus pour apprendre tout en s’amusant. Les parents serontheureuxd’offrir une expérience éducative enrichissante àleursenfants.Chaque œuvre proposée par DADA Company est entièrement originaleetdifférente des précédentes. DADA Company a été récompensé en2013aux BolognaRagazzi Digital Awards dans la catégorieFiction.Découvrez aussi leurs autres titres : «Quatre petits coins deriendu tout», «1000 Aventures», «Au dodo!» ou «J'apprends aveclestransportes», et bien d’autres encore.Assistance: support@DADAcompany.comYour children willlearnabout the animals in their natural habitat while learningEnglish.Dog, cow, elephant, lion ... and many other friendswaiting.LEARNING THROUGH PLAY ★ ★"Learn English" with animals is a fun and educational appforchildren. Toddlers will have fun while learning English.Thisapplication is intended for children 2 to 6 years.★ ★ FAMILY FUNIdeal for children who begin learning English or who wish torevisetheir vocabulary. Of course, adults are invited to play andlearnwith them. Enjoy an experience for the whole family!★ ★ ALL KINDS OF ANIMALSIn this interactive story, 14 screens allow children tovisitdifferent scenes (jungle, desert, countryside ...) anddiscover allkinds of domestic and wild animals in their naturalhabitat: lions,zebras, elephants, dogs , cats, crocodiles, snakes,etc..They will also learn the name and the cry of the animalinEnglish.★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative writer.• Superb illustrations.• Wide variety of interactive elements. Animations and funsoundscreating an amazing experience.• Simple and intuitive interface with direct access todifferentscenes.• Easy to read thanks to a neat typography.• Simply touch a phrase to repeat it. Ideal for youngreaders.• Original soundtrack gentle and relaxing.• Develops hand-eye coordination in children.• Without advertising.• The settings allow you to control the phrase, music andotheraspects.Visit our website http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter or click likeonFacebook in and youwillreceive all the information about our news.We also invite you to watch videos and trailers on our apps DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed tolearnwhile having fun. Parents will be pleased to provide anenrichingeducational experience for their children.Each proposed by DADA Company work is entirely originalanddifferent from previous. DADA Company was awarded in 2013toBolognaRagazzi Digital Awards in the category Fiction.See also their other titles: "Four little corners of nothing","1000Adventures" or "Learning with the transported", and manyothers"Sleepy!".Support:
Ich lerne Englisch mit Susi 1.0.0
Lerne auf spaßige und einfache Art mitSusiEnglisch.LERNE BEIM SPIELENSpiele mit Susi, einem sehr aktiven Mädchen, das an ihrenfreienTagen viel unterwegs ist. Geh mit Susi aufs Land, zum Strand,inden Zoo oder den Park und lerne 70 grundlegendeenglischeBegriffe.Bilder sind für kleine Kinder sehr hilfreich beim Lernen. IndemsieBilder mit Worten assoziieren, können sie neue Konzepteaufeinfache und unterhaltsame Art erlernen, was ihnen beimVerstehenund Erinnern neuer Vokabeln hilft.QUALITATIV HOCHWERTIGE UNTERHALTUNGMàriam Ben-Arabs wunderschöne Illustrationen zeigen Szenen ausdemAlltagsleben, die den Kindern dabei helfen, die Situationenzuverstehen, denen sie an verschiedenen Orten begegnenkönnten.Jüngere Kinder werden dank der Stimmen vonMuttersprachlern, diebei der Aussprache helfen, mit der Sprachevertraut gemacht.MERKMALE• Berühre die markierten Objekte auf dem Bildschirm undentdeckemehr als 70 häufig verwendete Wörter auf Englisch.• Originalmusik.• Ideal für Kinder, die gerade anfangen, Englisch zu lernen,undauch für Kinder mit Grundkenntnissen, die ihr Vokabularauffrischenmöchten.• Ein Buch, das Kinder ermutigt, auf spielerische Weisezulernen.• Verbessert die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne des Kindes.Besuche unsere Website unter uns auf Twitter unter Wennduaktuelle Informationen und Neuigkeiten von DADA Companyerhaltenmöchtest, gibt unserer Facebook-Seite unter ein„Gefälltmir“.Sieh dir unsere Videos und Trailer auf YouTube an:★ ÜBER DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company bietet Qualitätsunterhaltung für Kinder, bei dersieSpaß haben und etwas lernen können. Eltern bieten ihrenKinderndamit ein bereicherndes Bildungserlebnis.Jede DADA Company-Geschichte ist etwas Besonderes undunterscheidetsich von der vorherigen. DADA Company wurde 2013 mitdem BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in der Kategorie„Fiktion“ausgezeichnet.Einige weitere Titel von DADA Company: „Four little corners“,„1000Adventures“, „Off to bed!“ und „I learn withtransportation“.Support: support@DADAcompany.comLearn in a fun andeasyway with Susi English.LEARN WHILE YOU PLAYGames with Susi, a very active girl who travels a lot on theirdaysoff. Go with Susi to the country, to the beach, to the zoo orthepark and learn 70 basic english terms.Pictures are very helpful for small children to learn.Byassociating images with words, they can learn new concepts inasimple and entertaining way, which helps them to understandandremember new vocabulary.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENTMariam Ben-Arabs beautiful illustrations depict scenes fromdailylife which help the children to understand the situations theymayface in different places. Younger children will be made thankstothe voices of native speakers to help with thepronunciationfamiliar with the language.FEATURES• Touch the selected objects on the screen and discover more than70commonly used words in English.• Original music.• Ideal for children who are just beginning to learn English,andalso for children with basic knowledge who want to refreshtheirvocabulary.• A book that encourages children to learn in a fun way.• Improves attention span of the child.Visit our website at us on Twitter at If youwouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADACompany,are our Facebook page at"Like".Check out our videos and trailers on YouTube:★ ★ ABOUT DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers quality entertainment for children, wheretheycan have fun and learn something. Parents provide theirchildren sothat an enriching educational experience.Each DADA Company history is something special and differentfromthe previous one. DADA Company was awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the category "fiction".Some other titles by DADA Company: "Four little corners","1000Adventures", "Off to bed!" And "I learn withtransportation".Support:
Die vier kleine Ecken 1.0.1
* BolognaRagazzi Digital Award 2013* Editor's Choice Award von der Children's Technology Review„Die vier kleine Ecken“ ist ein Buch, das Werte wieFreundschaft,Integration und Gleichberechtigung vermittelt.★ NOCH NIE ZUVOR WAREN FORMEN SO UNTERHALTSAM UNDEMOTIONAL★Die Hauptfigur ist das „Kleine Quadrat“, dessen Freunde die„KleinenKreise“ sind. Sie spielen alle zuammen, aber wenn es Zeitwird, insHaus zu gehen, kannd das Kleine Quadrat nicht mit seinenFreundengehen, weil die Tür rund ist. Sie versuchen, das Problemzu lösen,aber wird es ihnen gelingen? Und werden die Freunde vonKleinesQuadrat ihm helfen?Eine interaktive Adaption der Geschichte von Jerôme Ruillier:„Vierkleine Ecken“. Die Erzählung besteht aus einfachen undkurzenSätzen und macht dies zu einem idealen Buch für junge Leser,diegerade angefangen haben, selbst zu lesen.★ WERTEVERMITTLUNG ★Einfache Formen werden genutzt, um Werte wieFreundschaft,Teilnahme, Kameradschaft, Gleichberechtigung undsozialeIntegration zu vermitteln. Kinder lernen dies aufspielerischeWeise.★MERKMALE ★• Verbessert Kreativität und Aufmerksamkeitsspanne desKindes.• Ermöglicht dem Kind, durch qualitativ hochwertigeUnterhaltungErlebnisse mit der Familie zu teilen.• Ermutigt zum Lernen und fördert das erzählerische KönnendesKindes.• Vermittelt auf spielerische Weise allgemeingültigepädagogischeWerte (Toleranz, Gleichberechtigung, Solidarität,usw.).• Das Kind kann den Bildschirm berühren, um zu sehen, wiedieFiguren Spaß haben und miteinander interagieren.• Lehrt Farben und einfache Formen.• Originalmusik.____________________________________________________________________Besuche unsere Website unter uns auf Twitter unter Wennduaktuelle Informationen und Neuigkeiten von DADA Companyerhaltenmöchtest, gibt unserer Facebook-Seite unter ein„Gefälltmir“.Sieh dir unsere Videos und Trailer auf YouTube an:★ ÜBER DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company bietet Qualitätsunterhaltung für Kinder, bei dersieSpaß haben und etwas lernen können. Eltern bieten ihrenKinderndamit ein bereicherndes Bildungserlebnis.Jede DADA Company-Geschichte ist etwas Besonderes undunterscheidetsich von der vorherigen. DADA Company wurde 2013 mitdem BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in der Kategorie„Fiktion“ausgezeichnet.Einige weitere Titel von DADA Company: „Four little corners“,„1000Adventures“, „Off to bed!“ und „I learn withtransportation“.Support:* BolognaRagazziDigitalAward 2013* Editor's Choice Award von der Children's Technology Review"Die kleine comes Ecken" ist ein Buch, the Werte wieFreundschaft,Integration und gleichberechtigung vermittelt.★ NOCH NIE Zuvor WAREN FORMEN UNTERHALTSAM UND SOEMOTIONAL★Die Hauptfigur ist das "Kleine Quadrat," dessen die Freunde"KleinenKreise" sind. Spielen sie alle zuammen, aber wenn es wirdZeit, insHaus zu gehen, kannd of Kleine Quadrat gehen nicht mitseinen junge,weil die Tür ist rund. Sie versuchen, the Problem zulosen, aber eswird Ihnen gelingen? Und werden die Freunde von ihmKleines Quadrathelfen?Eine Geschichte von der interaktive Adaption Ruillier Jerome:"Vierkleine Ecken". Die Erzählung einfachen besteht aus und machtundKurzen Sätzen idealen dies zu einem Buch für junge Leser, diehabengerade angefangen, selbst zu lesen.★ ★ WERTEVERMITTLUNGEinfache Formen werden genutzt a Werte wie Freundschaft,Teilnahme,Kameradschaft, gleichberechtigung soziale Integration undzuvermitteln. Kinder lernen auf dies spielerische Weise.★ ★ MERKMALE• verbessert Kreativität Aufmerksamkeitsspanne und desKindes.• Ermöglicht dem Kind, durch qualitativ hochwertigeErlebnisseUnterhaltung mit der Familie zu teilen.• Ermutigt zum Lernen und können fördert of erzählerischedesKindes.• Vermittelt spielerische Weise auf allgemeingültigePädagogischeWerte (Toleranz, gleichberechtigung, Solidarität,usw.).• Kind Das kann den Bildschirm berühren a zu sehen, wie dieFigurenund Spaß haben miteinander interagieren.• Lehrt einfache Formen und Farben.• Originalmusik.____________________________________________________________________Besuche unsere Website unter each auf unter Twitter. Wennduaktuelle Informationen und Neuigkeiten von DADA Companyerhaltenmöchtest, gibt unserer Facebook-Seite unter ein"Gefälltmir".Sieh dir auf unsere Videos und Trailer YouTube an:★ ★ ÜBER GIVEN COMPANYDADA Company bietet Qualitätsunterhaltung für Kinder bei dersiehaben Spaß und etwas lernen können. Eltern bieten ihrenKinderndamit ein bereicherndes Bildungserlebnis.Jedediah Smith Company DADA-ist Geschichte und etwasBesonderesunterscheidet sich von der vorherigen. DADA Company 2013wurde mitdem Digital Bologna Ragazzi Award in der Kategorie"Fiktion"ausgezeichnet.Einige weitere Titel von DADA Company: "Four little corners","1000Adventures", "Off to bed!" Und "I learn withtransportation."Support:
Englisch lerne mit den Tieren 1.0.0
Bring deinen Kindern etwas über Tiere inihrernatürlichen Umgebung bei und lass sie dabei Englisch lernen.Hunde,Kühe, Elefanten, Löwen und viele weitere Tiere warten aufdich!★ PÄDAGOGISCHER SPASS ★„Englisch lerne mit Tieren“ ist eine lustige und lehrreiche AppfürKinder. Sie ermöglicht es Kindern, Spaß beim LerneneinerFremdsprache zu haben. Die App zielt auf Kinder imVorschulalterzwischen 2 und 6 Jahren ab.★ SPASS MIT DER GANZEN FAMILIE ★Ideal für Kinder, die gerade anfangen, Englisch zu lernen, undfürKinder mit Grundkenntnissen, die ihr Vokabular auffrischenmöchten.Und natürlich können auch Eltern mitmachen und gemeinsammit ihrenKindern spielen und lernen. Ein spaßiges Erlebnis für diegesamteFamilie!★ VERSCHIEDENE TIERE ★Eine interaktive Geschichte mit 14 interaktiven Bildschirmen,aufdenen Kinder verschiedene Umgebungen besuchen (Dschungel,Wüste,auf dem Land, usw.) und alle möglichen wilden unddomestiziertenTiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum entdeckenkönnen: Löwen,Zebras, Elefanten, Hunde, Katzen, Krokodile,Schlangen, usw.Außerdem bringt die App den Kindern die Namen der Tiere undderenLaute auf Englisch bei.★ MERKMALE ★• Für Kinder jedes Alters.• Originelles und kreatives Skript.• Wunderschöne Illustrationen.• Viele verschiedene interaktive Elemente. Lustige AnimationenundTöne, die ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis schaffen.• Intuitives und leicht zu bedienendes Interface mitdirektemZugriff auf Szenen.• Dank der sorgfältig durchdachten Typografie leicht zulesen.• Berühre die Sätze, damit sie wiederholt werden. Toll fürjungeLeser.• Beruhigende Musik.• Verbessert die Hand-Augen-Koordination der Kinder.• Keine Werbung.• In den Optionen können bestimmte Einstellungen fürSprachausgabeoder Musik geändert werden.Besuche unsere Website unter uns auf Twitter unter Wennduaktuelle Informationen und Neuigkeiten von DADA Companyerhaltenmöchtest, gibt unserer Facebook-Seite unter ein„Gefälltmir“.Sieh dir unsere Videos und Trailer auf YouTube an:★ ÜBER DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company bietet Qualitätsunterhaltung für Kinder, bei dersieSpaß haben und etwas lernen können. Eltern bieten ihrenKinderndamit ein bereicherndes Bildungserlebnis.Jede DADA Company-Geschichte ist etwas Besonderes undunterscheidetsich von der vorherigen. DADA Company wurde 2013 mitdem BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in der Kategorie„Fiktion“ausgezeichnet.Einige weitere Titel von DADA Company: „Four little corners“,„1000Adventures“, „Off to bed!“ und „I learn withtransportation“.Support: support@DADAcompany.comBring your childrenaboutanimals in their natural environment at this and let themlearnEnglish. Dogs, cows, elephants, lions and many other animalsarewaiting for you!★ ★ EDUCATIONAL FUN"English learning with animals" is a fun and educational appforchildren. It allows children to have fun while learning aforeignlanguage. The app is aimed at preschoolers 2-6 years.★ FUN WITH THE WHOLE FAMILY ★Ideal for children who are just beginning to learn English, andforchildren with basic knowledge who want to refresh theirvocabulary.And of course, parents can join and together with theirchildrenplay and learn. A fun-filled experience for the entirefamily!★ ★ DIFFERENT ANIMALSAn interactive story with 14 interactive screens wherechildrenvisit different environments (jungle, desert, rural, etc.)and allsorts of wild and domesticated animals can discover intheirnatural habitat: lions, zebras, elephants, dogs, cats,crocodiles,snakes, etc.The app also gives the children the names of animals andtheirsounds in English.★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Beautiful illustrations.• Many different interactive elements. Funny animations andsoundsthat create an extraordinary experience.• Intuitive and easy to use interface with direct accesstoscenes.• Thanks to the carefully thought out typography easy toread.• Touch the sentences so that they are repeated. Great foryoungreaders.• Soothing music.• Improves hand-eye coordination of the children.• No advertising.• In the Options specific settings for speech or music canbechanged.Visit our website at us on Twitter at If youwouldlike to receive the latest information and news from DADACompany,are our Facebook page at"Like".Check out our videos and trailers on YouTube:★ ★ ABOUT DADA COMPANYDADA Company offers quality entertainment for children, wheretheycan have fun and learn something. Parents provide theirchildren sothat an enriching educational experience.Each DADA Company history is something special and differentfromthe previous one. DADA Company was awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the category "fiction".Some other titles by DADA Company: "Four little corners","1000Adventures", "Off to bed!" And "I learn withtransportation".Support:
Aprendo com os transportes 1.0.0
* Nº 1 do top de educação na app storedeEspanha.Por terra, pelo mar, pelo ar... até ao espaço! A DADACompanyapresenta a forma mais divertida e atraente de aprender eexploraro interesse dos mais pequenos por carros, motas, barcos,navesespaciais, etc.★ APRENDER A BRINCAR ★'Aprendo com os transportes' introduz o petiz a 6 camposdeconhecimento: os sons, as palavras, as cores, as formas, osnúmerose os ambientes. A aplicação é uma mistura perfeita delivro,desenho animado e jogo, sendo concebida especificamente paraasnecessidades de desenvolvimento dos mais pequenos.★ MAIS DE 20 TIPOS DE TRANSPORTE ★A aplicação conta com 21 dos transportes mais popularesparainteragir e ensinar enquanto diverte. As crianças apreciarãoumaexperiência sem igual, aprendendo sem se aperceberem esemprecisarem de ajuda; envolvidos em paisagens limpas esimples,ilustrações cheias de cor, animações cuidadas, uma músicaalegre eque fica no ouvido, divertidos efeitos sonoros, etc... tudoistoadaptado aos mais pequenos. Em suma, um livro que, graças àssuaspossibilidades, eleva os livros de aprendizagem e diversão aumnovo patamar.★ ENTRETENIMENTO DE QUALIDADE★O jogo foi supervisionado por professores primários, pais,pedagogose crianças, com o objetivo de oferecer entretenimentodequalidade.As ilustrações e animações estão a cargo de SergioAlfonso“Animatomic”, profissional de longo percurso e comreconhecidoprestígio no âmbito da animação interativa.Mais ainda, o conteúdo é revelado gradualmente: as diversascenascomeçam com conteúdos mais simples (tais como sons epalavras),progredindo para conteúdos mais complexos, relacionadoscom odesenvolvimento lógico-matemático (os números, asformasgeométricas) ou os contornos, sempre do ponto de vistalúdico,interativo e motivador para a criança.★ CARATERÍSTICAS ★• Favorece a atenção e a diferenciação auditiva e visual.• Iniciação à numeração e ao contar.• Diferenciação, reconhecimento e familiarização dos veículos eosseus nomes escritos, cores básicas, sons, formas geométricaseambientes diferentes...• Iniciação ao inglês. A aplicação inclui dois idiomas (portuguêseinglês) que o utilizador pode mudar facilmente através do menudeconfiguração.• Multiplataforma. Pode ser instalado em paralelo no iPad, iPhoneeiPod touch.Visite nossa página: http://www.DADAcompany.comSiga-nos no Twitter em, ou, casoqueirasaber as últimas notícias e novidades da DADA Company, curtaa nossapágina no Facebook: os nossos vídeos e tenha uma prévia das históriasnoYouTube:★ SOBRE A DADA COMPANY ★A DADA Company oferece às crianças entretenimento dequalidade,feito para educar e divertir, e também para fornecer aospais asatisfação de dar às crianças uma experiênciaeducacionalenriquecedora.Cada história da DADA Company é totalmente original e diferentedaanterior. A DADA Company ganhou o Bologna Ragazzi Digital Awardde2013 na categoria de ficção.Entre seus outros títulos estão “Por quatro cantinhos denada”,“Marina e a luz”, “Para a cama, meninos e meninas!” e“Aprendeinglês com a Zoe: mi dia livre ”.Suporte:* No. 1 of thetopeducation in the app store in Spain.By land, by sea, by air ... to space! The DADA Companyintroducesthe most fun and engaging to learn and explore theinterest ofsmaller for cars, motorbikes, boats, spaceships,etc..LEARN TO PLAY ★ ★'I learn with transportation' introduces petiz to 6 fieldsofknowledge: the sounds, words, colors, shapes, numbersandenvironments. The application is a perfect blend of book,cartoonand game, being designed specifically for the developmentalneedsof children.★ OVER 20 TYPES OF TRANSPORTATION ★The application features 21 of the most popular transporttointeract and teach while having fun. Children will enjoy auniqueexperience, learning without realizing and without needinghelp;involved in clean landscapes and simple, full colorillustrations,animations cared, joyful music and is in the ear, funsoundeffects, etc ... this all adapted to the smallest. In short, abookthat, thanks to its possibilities, elevates the books oflearningand fun to a new level.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT ★ ★The game was supervised by schoolteachers, parents, educatorsandchildren with the goal of providing quality entertainment.The illustrations and animations are borne by SergioAlfonso"Animatomic" professional long course and renowned withintheinteractive animation.Moreover, the content is revealed gradually: the differentscenesstart with simple content (such as sounds and words),progressingto more complex content, related to thedevelopmentlogical-mathematical (numbers, geometric shapes) orcontours,always from the standpoint of playful, interactive andmotivatingto the child.★ FEATURES ★• Promotes attention and auditory and visual differentiation.• Start numbering and counting.• Differentiation, recognition and familiarization of vehiclesandtheir names written, basic colors, sounds, geometric shapesanddifferent environments ...• Introduction to English. The application includes twolanguages​​(Portuguese and English) that the user can move easilythroughthe setup menu.• Multiplatform. Can be installed in parallel on the iPad,iPhoneand iPod touch.Visit our page: http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at, or if youwantto know the latest news and updates from DADA Company, enjoyourFacebook page: our videos and get a preview of the stories on YouTube:★ ★ ON THE GIVEN COMPANYThe DADA Company offers children quality entertainment, designedtoeducate and entertain, and also to provide parents thesatisfactionof giving children an educational experienceenriching.Each story DADA Company is totally unique and different fromtheprevious. The DADA Company won the Bologna Ragazzi DigitalAward2013 in the category of fiction.Among his other titles are "For four corners of nothing","Marinaand light", "To bed, boys and girls!" And "Learn Englishwith Zoe:mi free day."Support:
Aprende francés con animales 1.0.0
Descubre a tus hijos los animales ensucontexto, a la vez que aprenden francés. El perro, la vaca,elelefante, el león... y muchos más amigos os esperan.★ DIVERSIÓN EDUCATIVA ★Aprender francés con los animales es una divertida y educativaapppara niños. Permite a los más pequeños de la casa divertirse alavez que aprenden inglés. La aplicación está orientada a unpúblicoinfantil de entre 2 y 6 años, en edad preescolar.★ DISFRUTA EN FAMILIA ★Ideal para los niños que están empezando a aprender francés yparaaquellos de otros niveles que quieren repasar vocabulario. Yporsupuesto los adultos también pueden participar, jugar consushijos, divertirse y aprender juntos. ¡Disfruta de unaexperienciacompartida con tus hijos!★ TODO TIPO DE ANIMALES ★Un cuento interactivo donde el niño puede, a través de 14pantallasinteractivas, visitar diferentes escenarios (la selva, eldesierto,el campo…) y descubrir todo tipo de animales tantodomésticos comosalvajes en su contexto original. Leones, cebras,elefantes,perros, gatos, cocodrilos, serpientes, etc.Permite también conocer el nombre del animal y su onomatopeyaenfrancés.★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Para niños de todas las edades.• Guión original y creativo.• Exquisitas ilustraciones• Rico en variedad de elementos interactivos. Graciosasanimacionesy sonidos que crearán una experienciasorprendente.• Interfaz intuitivo y fácil con acceso directo a escenas.• De fácil lectura gracias a su cuidado aspecto tipográfico.• Toca cada frase para repetir su locución. Estupendo paralosprimeros lectores.• Dulce y relajante banda sonora original.• Desarrolla la coordinación mano-ojo en el niño.• Sin publicidad.• Desde Opciones podrás controlar aspectos como la locución olamúsica.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o haz clic enMegusta en Facebook en paramásinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestras apps en★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento de calidaddiseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres la satisfacción deofrecer asus hijos una experiencia de aprendizajeenriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferente alaanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con el BolognaRagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por cuatro esquinitas de nada”,“1000Aventuras”, “¡A la cama!” o “Con los transportes aprendo”entreotros.Soporte: soporte@dadacompany.comDiscover your childrentheanimals in their context, while learning French. The dog, thecow,the elephant, the lion ... and many more friends await you.EDUCATIONAL FUN ★ ★Learn French with animals is a fun and educational app forchildren.Allows smaller house fun while learning English. Theapplication isaimed at children aged between 2 and 6 years,preschoolers.★ ★ ENJOY FAMILYIdeal for children who are starting to learn French and to thoseofother levels who want to revise vocabulary. And of courseadultscan participate, play with your children, have fun andlearntogether. Enjoy a shared experience with your children!ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS ★ ★An interactive story where the child can, through 14interactivedisplays, visit different scenarios (forest, desert,field ...) anddiscover all sorts of domestic and wild animals intheir originalcontext. Lions, zebras, elephants, dogs, cats,crocodiles, snakes,etc..It also allows to know the name of the animal and itsFrenchonomatopoeia.★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Exquisite illustrations• Rich variety of interactive elements. Funny animations andsoundsto create an amazing experience.• Intuitive and easy with direct access to scenes.• Easy to read thanks to a dedicated typographic.• Touch each phrase to repeat his speech. Great forearlyreaders.• Sweet and soothing soundtrack.• Develops hand-eye coordination in children.• No ads.• Since Options can control aspects such as speech or music.Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or click onLikeon Facebook at formoreinformation on all our news.Check out videos and trailers of our apps★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainment designedtoeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased to offertheirchildren a rich learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is totally original and different fromtheprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four corners made of nothing","1000Adventures", "Go to bed!" Or "With transport learn"amongothers.Support:
Gigantes, bruxas e génios 1.0.0
Envolve-te num universo cheio de seresmágicos!DIVERTE-TE COM A MITOLOGIAGigantes, bruxas e génios é uma aplicação interativa na qual osmaispequenos poderão divertir-se ao envolverem-se num mundo deseresmágicos através das personagens que povoam a mitologia doPaísBasco: Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi… e muitos mais!DEIXA-TE LEVAR PELA MAGIAA história apresenta um fantástico bestiário de sereslendários,adaptados para os mais pequenos. Cada cena apresentaumapersonagem, mostrando-nos as suas características epoderesespeciais de uma forma nova e simpática.ENTRETENIMENTO DE QUALIDADEO livro apresenta 14 cenas interativas, ilustradas peloprestigiadoartista gráfico Pernan Goñi. E vem acompanhado por umafantásticabanda sonora, composta especialmente para o livro.IDEAL PARA APRECIAR EM FAMÍLIAPartilhe com os seus filhos uma história perfeita paraaprenderemenquanto se divertem. Uma experiência surpreendente, ondeas lendasganham vida.CARATERÍSTICAS• Aumenta a criatividade e a capacidade de atenção dacriança.• Estimula a imaginação e a alfabetização visual.• Permite partilhar experiências em família com entretenimentodequalidade.• Fomenta a aprendizagem e estimula a capacidade narrativadascrianças.Visite nossa página: http://www.DADAcompany.comSiga-nos no Twitter em, ou, casoqueirasaber as últimas notícias e novidades da DADA Company, curtaa nossapágina no Facebook: os nossos vídeos e tenha uma prévia das históriasnoYouTube:★ SOBRE A DADA COMPANY ★A DADA Company oferece às crianças entretenimento dequalidade,feito para educar e divertir, e também para fornecer aospais asatisfação de dar às crianças uma experiênciaeducacionalenriquecedora.Cada história da DADA Company é totalmente original e diferentedaanterior. A DADA Company ganhou o Bologna Ragazzi Digital Awardde2013 na categoria de ficção.Entre seus outros títulos estão “Por quatro cantinhos denada”,“Marina e a luz”, “Para a cama, meninos e meninas!” e“Aprendeinglês com a Zoe: mi dia livre ”.Suporte: support@DADAcompany.comEngage in a world fullofmagical beings!HAVE FUN WITH MYTHOLOGYGiants, witches and genies is an interactive application wherethelittle ones can have fun when they get involved in a worldofmagical beings through characters who populate the mythology oftheBasque Country: Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi ... andmanymore!LETS YOU TAKE THE MAGICThe story features a fantastic bestiary of legendary beings,adaptedfor little ones. Each scene features a character, showingus itsfeatures and special powers of a young and friendlymanner.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENTThe book features 14 interactive scenes illustrated byrenownedgraphic artist Pernan Goñi. And accompanied by afantasticsoundtrack, composed especially for the book.IDEAL TO ENJOY FAMILYShare with your perfect story for children to learn whilehavingfun. An amazing experience, where legends come to life.FEATURES• Increases creativity and ability to care for children.• Stimulates the imagination and visual literacy.• Allow sharing family experiences with qualityentertainment.• fosters learning and encourages the narrative abilityofchildren.Visit our page: http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at, or if youwantto know the latest news and updates from DADA Company, walkingourFacebook page: our videos and get a preview of the stories on YouTube:★ ★ ON THE GIVEN COMPANYThe DADA Company offers children quality entertainment, designedtoeducate and entertain, and also to provide parents thesatisfactionof giving children an enriching educationalexperience.Each story of DADA Company is totally unique and different fromtheprevious. The DADA Company won the Bologna Ragazzi DigitalAward2013 in the category of fiction.Among his other titles are "For four corners of nothing","Marinaand the light", "To bed, boys and girls!" And "Learn EnglishwithZoe: mi free day."Support:
Por quatro cantinhos de nada 1.0.0
* BolognaRagazzi Digital Award 2013* Editor's Choice Award da Children's Technology Review“Por quatro cantinhos de nada” é um livro que nos ensinavalorescomo a amizade, a integração e a igualdade.★ AS FORMAS GEOMÉTRICAS NUNCA FORAM TÃO DIVERTIDASOUEMOCIONANTES ★O nosso protagonista é um quadrado pequeno, o Quadradinho,cujosamigos são círculos pequenos, os Circulinhos. Todos brincamjuntos,mas são horas de entrar na casa grande e o Quadradinho nãopodeentrar como os seus amigos porque a porta é redonda. Entreelesprocuram uma solução. Serão capazes de a encontrar? Os seusamigosirão ajudá-lo?Adaptação interativa do conto de Jerôme Ruillier: “Porquatrocantinhos de nada”. A narração, através de frases simples ecurtas,faz deste livro a escolha ideal para os leitores que dãoosprimeiros passos no mundo da leitura.★ DESENVOLVIMENTO DE VALORES ★Através de formas geométricas simples, são expressos valores comoaamizade, a participação, o companheirismo, a igualdade eaintegração social. As crianças aprendem de forma divertida.★CARACTERÍSTICAS★• Enriquece a criatividade e a capacidade de atençãodacriança.• Permite partilhar experiências em famíliaoferecendoentretenimento de qualidade.• Fomenta a aprendizagem e estimula a capacidade narrativadascrianças.• Transmite valores educativos universais (tolerância,igualdade,fraternidade…) de forma divertida e didática.• Toque no ecrã e descubra como as personagens se divertemeinteragem• Descubra as cores e as formas geométricas simples.• Banda sonora original-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visite nossa página: http://www.DADAcompany.comSiga-nos no Twitter em, ou, casoqueirasaber as últimas notícias e novidades da DADA Company, curtaa nossapágina no Facebook: os nossos vídeos e tenha uma prévia das históriasnoYouTube:★ SOBRE A DADA COMPANY ★A DADA Company oferece às crianças entretenimento dequalidade,feito para educar e divertir, e também para fornecer aospais asatisfação de dar às crianças uma experiênciaeducacionalenriquecedora.Cada história da DADA Company é totalmente original e diferentedaanterior. A DADA Company ganhou o Bologna Ragazzi Digital Awardde2013 na categoria de ficção.Entre seus outros títulos estão “Four little corners”,“1000Adventures”, “Off to bed!” e “I Learn withtransportation”.Suporte:* BolognaRagazziDigitalAward 2013* Editor's Choice Award from Children's Technology Review"For four corners of nothing" is a book that teaches values​​likefriendship, integration and equality.★ THE GEOMETRIC SHAPES HAVE NEVER BEEN SO FUN OR EXCITING★Our protagonist is a small square, the little square, whosefriendsare small circles, the Circulinhos. All play together, butit istime to enter the big house and the SQUARE can not enter astheirfriends because the door is round. Among them seek a solution.Willbe able to find? Your friends will help you?Adaptation interactive tale Ruillier Jerome: "For four cornersofnothing." The narration through short, simple sentences, thisbookmakes an ideal choice for readers who take the first steps intotheworld of reading.★ ★ DEVELOPMENT OF VALUESThrough simple geometric shapes, values ​​are expressedasfriendship, participation, fellowship, equality andsocialintegration. Children learn in a fun way.★ FEATURES ★• Enrich creativity and ability to care for children.• Allows sharing family experiences offeringqualityentertainment.• fosters learning and encourages children'snarrativeability.• Transmits universal educational values ​​(tolerance,equality,fraternity ...) in a fun and intuitive.• Touch the screen and see how the characters interact andhavefun• Discover colors and simple geometric shapes.• Original SoundtrackVisit our page: http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at, or if youwantto know the latest news and updates from DADA Company, enjoyourFacebook page: our videos and get a preview of the stories on YouTube:★ ★ ON THE GIVEN COMPANYThe DADA Company offers children quality entertainment, designedtoeducate and entertain, and also to provide parents thesatisfactionof giving children an educational experienceenriching.Each story DADA Company is totally unique and different fromtheprevious. The DADA Company won the Bologna Ragazzi DigitalAward2013 in the category of fiction.Among his other titles are "Four little corners", "1000Adventures","Off to bed!" And "I Learn with Transportation".Support:
1000 Aventures 1.0.1
Probablement l´aventure interactive laplusamusante au monde!★ UN MONDE TRÈS SPÉCIAL ★Un livre-jeu mettant en scène pirates, extraterrestres,châteaux,cowboys, dinosaures, scientifiques, animaux, super-héros,pharaonset bien plus.★ LAISSE VOLER TON IMAGINATION ★Accompagne notre jeune personnage à vivre une journée rempliedegrandes aventures où rien n´est ce qu´il parait au premier abord:la routine se transforme en un monde amusant où les enfantssaurontutiliser leur imagination pour voir le côté le plusfantastique dela vie.Chaque jour peut être vécu comme une grande aventure!★ CARACTÉRISTIQUES ★• Améliore les capacités d’association.• Favorise la curiosité, l´exploration de tout ce qui nousentoureet nourrit l´imagination.• Chaque scène a sa propre bande son adaptée au contexte.• Narration par des professionnels• Illustrations de Sebastiá Serra• Chaque scène comporte un certain nombre d´élémentsinteractifs.Dans le coin supérieur gauche de l’écran, un compteurinformel´enfant de combien d´éléments il lui reste à découvrirpourpouvoir passer à la scène suivante.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visitez notre site internet http://www.dadacompany.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter ou cliquezsurJ´aime sur Facebook en etvousrecevrez toute l´information sur nos nouveautés.Nous vous invitons aussi à regarder les vidéos et bandesannoncesde nos apps sur★ A PROPOS DE DADA COMPANY ★DADA COMPANY offre aux enfants un amusement de qualité pensépourallier plaisir et éducation, et aux parents lasatisfactiond´offrir à leurs enfants un apprentissageenrichissant.Chaque œuvre de DADA Company est originale et unique.DADA Company a reçu le Bologna Ragazzi Digital Award 2013 danslacatégorie Fiction.Parmi ses titres, “Quatre Petits Coins de rien du tout”, « Marinaetla lumière », « Au dodo ! », « J´apprends aves les transports »,etbien d´autres.Pour plus d´informations : soporte@dadacompany.comProbably the most funinthe world interactive adventure!A VERY SPECIAL WORLD ★ ★A game book featuring pirates, aliens, castles, cowboys,dinosaurs,science, animals, superheroes, pharaohs and more.★ ★ LETS FLY YOUR IMAGINATIONAccompanies our young character to live a day filled withgreatadventures where nothing is what it seems at first: theroutineturns into a fun world where children will use theirimagination tosee the most fantastic side of the life.Every day can be seen as a great adventure!★ FEATURES ★• Improve the capacity of association.• Promotes curiosity, exploration of everything that surroundsusand feeds the imagination.• Each stage has its own soundtrack adapted to the context.• Narration by professionals• Stock Sebastiá Serra• Each stage has a number of interactive elements. In the upperleftcorner of the screen, a counter informs the child how manyelementsit has yet to discover in order to move to the nextstage.Visit our website http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter or click LikeonFacebook in andgetall the information about our news.We also invite you to watch videos and trailers on ourapps★ ABOUT ★ DADA COMPANYDADA COMPANY offers children a fun-quality thought to combinefunand education, and parents' satisfaction to offer their childrenarich learning.Each work DADA Company is original and unique. DADA Company received the 2013 Bologna RagazziDigitalAward in the Fiction category.Among his titles, "Little Four Corners nothing", "Marina andlight,""Go to sleep! "" I hear aves transport ", and manyothers.For more information:
Marina and the light 1.0.1
Live with your children the experience ofdiscovering the magic of the light next to Marina and her friends.An interactive story without words where you will be the creator ofthe story.★ A DIFFERENT KIND OF STORY ★Discover "Marina and light", a unique application that helpschildren build vocabulary and imagination: the child can create thestory and can make up a different story each time.★ REALITY AND FICTION ★Be amazed by an app that stimulates the imagination and creativityof your little ones, accompanying Marina on a journey through a dayin a magical world where you will discover the wonderfulpossibilities of light with her special friends.★ A SURPRISINGLY ENGAGING EXPERIENCE ★Share with your children a perfect story to make learning fun. Aninteractive experience aimed at all those people who are curious toget to know new creative experiences and who want to dream, reflectand enjoy a world where illustrations come to life.★ AMAZING ARTWORK AND SOUNDTRACK ★Enjoy the stunning visuals of the watercolour illustrations byAlberto Vazquez (2012 Goya Award for best animated short film) andoriginal soundtrack composed of twelve songs by Daniel Herrero(Pocoyo's composer and music producer).A very complete storybook that will delight the whole family.★ CHARACTERISTICS ★Enriches a child's creativity and attention span.Stimulates imagination and visual literacy.Allows the sharing of experiences with the family by offeringquality entertainment.Promotes learning and encourages children's storytellingability.Transmits universal educational values ​​such as: tolerance,freedom, equality, commitment and fraternity.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or if youwould like to receive the latest information and news from DADACompany click Like on our Facebook page at a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company offers children quality entertainment designed toeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfaction thatthey are offering their children an enriching educationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different to theprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013 BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares", "1000Adventures", "Off to bed! or "Learn with Transportation".Support:
Aprender inglés con animales
Descubre a tus hijos los animales ensucontexto, a la vez que aprenden inglés. El perro, la vaca,elelefante, el león... y muchos más amigos os esperan.★ DIVERSIÓN EDUCATIVA ★Aprender inglés con los animales es una divertida y educativaapppara niños. Permite a los más pequeños de la casa divertirse alavez que aprenden inglés. La aplicación está orientada a unpúblicoinfantil de entre 2 y 6 años, en edad preescolar.★ DISFRUTA EN FAMILIA ★Ideal para los niños que están empezando a aprender inglés yparaaquellos de otros niveles que quieren repasar vocabulario. Yporsupuesto los adultos también pueden participar, jugar consushijos, divertirse y aprender juntos. ¡Disfruta de unaexperienciacompartida con tus hijos!★ TODO TIPO DE ANIMALES ★Un cuento interactivo donde el niño puede, a través de 14pantallasinteractivas, visitar diferentes escenarios (la selva, eldesierto,el campo…) y descubrir todo tipo de animales tantodomésticos comosalvajes en su contexto original. Leones, cebras,elefantes,perros, gatos, cocodrilos, serpientes, etc.Permite también conocer el nombre del animal y su onomatopeyaeninglés.★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Para niños de todas las edades.• Guión original y creativo.• Exquisitas ilustraciones• Rico en variedad de elementos interactivos. Graciosasanimacionesy sonidos que crearán una experienciasorprendente.• Interfaz intuitivo y fácil con acceso directo a escenas.• De fácil lectura gracias a su cuidado aspecto tipográfico.• Toca cada frase para repetir su locución. Estupendo paralosprimeros lectores.• Dulce y relajante banda sonora original.• Desarrolla la coordinación mano-ojo en el niño.• Sin publicidad.• Desde Opciones podrás controlar aspectos como la locución olamúsica.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o haz clicenMe gusta en Facebook en paramásinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestras appsen★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento de calidaddiseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres la satisfacción deofrecer asus hijos una experiencia de aprendizajeenriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferente alaanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con el BolognaRagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por cuatro esquinitas de nada”,“1000Aventuras”, “¡A la cama!” o “Con los transportes aprendo”entreotros.Soporte: soporte@dadacompany.comDiscover your childrentheanimals in their context, while learning English. The dog, thecow,the elephant, the lion ... and many more friends await you.EDUCATIONAL FUN ★ ★Learning English with animals is a fun and educational appforchildren. Allows smaller house fun while learning English.Theapplication is aimed at children aged between 2 and 6years,preschoolers.★ ★ ENJOY FAMILYIdeal for children who are beginning to learn English and tothoseof other levels who want to revise vocabulary. And of courseadultscan participate, play with your children, have fun andlearntogether. Enjoy a shared experience with your children!ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS ★ ★An interactive story where the child can, through 14interactivedisplays, visit different scenarios (forest, desert,field ...) anddiscover all sorts of domestic and wild animals intheir originalcontext. Lions, zebras, elephants, dogs, cats,crocodiles, snakes,etc..It also allows to know the name of the animal and itsonomatopoeiain English.★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Exquisite illustrations• Rich variety of interactive elements. Funny animations andsoundsto create an amazing experience.• Intuitive and easy with direct access to scenes.• Easy to read thanks to a dedicated typographic.• Touch each phrase to repeat his speech. Great forearlyreaders.• Sweet and soothing soundtrack.• Develops hand-eye coordination in children.• No ads.• Since Options can control aspects such as speech or music.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or clickonLike on Facebook at formoreinformation on all our news.Check out videos and trailers of ourapps★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainment designedtoeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased to offertheirchildren a rich learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is totally original and different fromtheprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013 BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four corners made of nothing","1000Adventures", "Go to bed!" Or "With transport learn"amongothers.Support:
Let's go to the Opera! 1.0
DADA Company Edutainment
In "Let’s go to the Opera" you will joinagroup of schoolchildren visiting the Opera House. You willbegreeted by a friendly guide who will accompany you on atourshowing you all the nooks and most intimate secrets aboutthetheater’s inner workings. Orchestras, singers, choirs,dancers,lights, scenery ... all at your fingertips! During the touryouwill discover how the show and the professionals who makeitpossible work. All explained in a playful and didacticmanner,exquisitely illustrated by the great artist John Berrio.Especially recommended for children between ages 5 and12.Thisapplication presents a secure environment for children.CONTAINS NOTHIRD-PARTY ADVERTISING NOR IN-APP PURCHASES. A uniqueoperaexperience for the whole family to enjoy!CONTENT- Travel through the history and origins of opera.- Discover genres and operatic themes.- Learn about key representatives of the genre.- Observe theatrical architecture and structural elements.- Learn about types of opera singers, choruses, ballet andmore!- Role description of each member of the orchestra.- How a stage director works.- Find out about technical duties (tailoring,stagehands,illuminator, set designer, seamstress, sewing, costume,makeup andcharacterization).- Introduction to major opera composers.The child will learn many new concepts associated with theoperaperformance. Especially recommended for children between ages6 and12.This app provides a safe environment for children,containing nothird-party advertising or in-app purchases.Dare to enter the world of opera!FEATURES- Acquire or expand user knowledge related to the opera.- Ideal as educational support for teachers.- Texts and dialoque in English, Spanish, Catalan, GalicianandBasque.- Detailed original artwork from artist Juan Berrio.- Develops the ability to analyze lyrical production.- Promotes the education and diversification ofmusicaltastes.- Acquire vocabulary of the processes involved in developinganopera.- Encourages participatory methodology.****************************ABOUT DADA COMPANYDada Company is an award-winning studio that createsinteractivebooks and digital toys for children and adults to enjoytogether.We offer quality entertainment designed to educate andentertain,and to parents we offer the satisfaction of providingtheirchildren an edifying learning experience. We work witheducatorsand education experts to make our products childfriendly.Visit our webpage at where you can findmoreinformation and assistance.Follow us on Twitter at @DADA_Company or Facebookat for more information aboutallour latest news.Check out videos and trailers of our appsat Company takes children’s privacy very seriously, and wewantyou to have a safe experience. That’s why our apps do notincludethird-party advertising or in-app purchases.If you have any trouble with our app or any other questionsorsuggestions, feel free to contact us at any We will be happy to help you. Don’tforgetto mention the version of your device and youroperatingsystem.